MRP Log & 22526.1000 Desktop:
Whenever I create a folder on my Desktop called 'advanced' and try to open it, it opens Advanced Network Settings instead of the actual folder. Is it just me?
Anti-user changelog: Fixed ability to use start menu search and widgets in your chosen default browser after uninstalling Edge - if you don't uninstall Edge, redirectors will continue to work - if you uninstall Edge, might as well uninstall Widgets (a bing trap anyway), get a 3rd party start menu / explorer, go back to stable / 10, and purge telemetry to respond in kind
It's apparently been around for a while. I have a Virtual Machine running 22509 and it also opens advanced networking> Advanced sharing
I have had this issue for quite some time now. I haven't seen anyone else mentioning it and since I still had it after I did a clean install, I thought I'd mention it here to see if I was alone with that issue. I develop software and maintaining an 'advanced' folder on my Desktop was just something I've always done.