The last 3 dev updates have rolled back for me at 60% and i removed most of the troublemakers and retried with no luck..... This happened once before and a newer build worked but, not this time. 5800x 32g 1070
So the thing of not providing inbox apps on clean installs of the latest dev channel builds is not a bug from Microsoft, but in fact by design? The OS itself and the inbox apps are now separate?
Apps CompDB Parser script is working perfectly, but we still need installation script or something similar (auto generated one would be very very useful)
Reminder to everyone here: Windows Insider channels have NO SET SCHEDULE Nobody has promised builds at a specific time, there is no information hinting that a build will be released today or tomorrow or any other time in the future. Any notion that a build will or will not be released at a specific time is entirely fiction and has no basis in fact or reality. There are some exceptions, high profile people on Twitter who do know ahead of time that there is a new build. These instances should be cited/linked directly and should still should not be treated as fact. Microsoft will release Insider updates when they want to. There are some patterns that seemingly emerge (Dev updates typically are Weds/Thurs 6PM UTC every week), but it will not always follow this pattern. By all means sit here and wait to see at that time, but please do not engage in misinformation without sufficient factual evidence to back it up.
Managed to clean install 22572 using Gustave Monce's UUP download tool. To my surprise, Smart App Control is broken and non-functional. It cannot be enabled even after fresh installing the build.