Which IMHO makes the Dev Channel pointless. At least for us who want the new features sooner. Others may think differently.
Anyone have similar mangled text items in GPedit and Services.msc with this build, or possible because of SophiApp?
@abbodi1406 is it possible to integrate third party app while creating iso from uup dump for example: I want to integrate this app 40174MouriNaruto.NanaZip_1.2.252.0_neutral_~_gnj4mf6z9tkrc.Msixbundle at the same time the uup script is adding default apps. Can you guide me so that I can have all apps I want to be pre-installed?
Unfortunately no the script read the Apps list to add from the metadata, per edition 9) you could modify the script and hardcode additional command to add other apps e.g. Code: if defined _appList for %%# in (%_appList%) do call :appx_add "%%#" add below: Code: %_Nul1% %_dism2%:"!_cabdir!" %dismtarget% /LogPath:"%_dLog%\DismAppx3.log" /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackagePath:"path_to_app"
Tabs on my PC appeared after restarting a few times. The explorer appears to be restarting and crashing for some reason.