It's about g0*damned time. I've been putzing around with it for ages, wasting a good hour or two with each new build trying different things to see if I could get it working. But nada. Finally. To whoever the MS team member who fixed this bug: Thank you.
Today I have done a clean install of this new Win11 Insider Preview Build 25197 onto my MS Surface Pro 7. The installation went flawlessly, but I am not able to get .NET Framework 3.5 installed (neither via DISM command nor from within "add/remove Windows Features" option of the Control Panel. This is the error message I got:
If your running anti turn it off if is defender disable it or what ever third party app that could be interfering with the install also check the error code with MS they will have info on it.
Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately disabling the in-use Antivirus (MS Defender) didn't solve the problem. Attached is the error code, when I try to install .NET Framework 3.5 via DISM command:
Likely you have some store corruption. Just do an inplace upgrade and try again, if you don't want to spend hours trying to figure what's wrong But if you want just look to CBS and DISM log
@Fernando 1, It's a known issue of these last batch of dev builds. Was supposedly fixed in 25193, seems it's back.
@acer-5100 The dism.log file is attached. Maybe you or someone else can identify the reason for the failure. @AveYo Thank you very much for the information.
Unfortunately this update did not solve my problem. After the installtion .NET Framework 3.5 could not be installed from within the Control Panel. I got this error message:
@MS_User Thanks for your advice. I believe, that my problem is not caused by any Windows Update, but just a bug of the clean installed Win11 Insider Preview Build 25197.1000. Since I only use the related machine for testing purposes, it is not important for me to get the problem solved.
I solved my issue yesterday much easier by updating to Build 25201.100. After having completed the update the Control Panel showed surprisingly, that the previously missing .NET Framework 3.5 was already installed. It obviously happened automaticly, there was nothing to do for me.