Added checksums & SVFSFX repo.
It doesn't work on unsupported systems (VM/VBox) no matter what iso is used, we (the creators of UFWS) and others did test this and the UFWS creator came up with the setup.cfg mod himself.
I use the tool as it is made, and it errors, redownloading the UUP file set and re-running UUP>ISO v99 with the new file set. Nothing wrong with my tool, i showed you it alters the server info in the install.wim (it was whatever himself who helped me implement the automation of the settings change), and i showed you it works with an UUP>ISO v99 converted ISO but the conversion shows error 32....
you said it's not working with TB ISO as well and I proved it wrong doesn't matter what ISO is used, TB or from UUP dump, both works fine just apply double bypass: UFWS + old registry fix for boot.wim
You used 2 fixes on the TB inch ISO, not only the one mentioned, you ran the UFWS AND the bot.wim registry labconfig fixes (very familiar lines of commands there ) Yes with a second fix for the TB ISOs and for the UUP ISO a new UUP>ISO version which was not released when the problems were originally reported. Yes i will test with the boot and upgrade fix tool using option 1 and 2, as these are the fixes you used on the techbench ISO.
yes, it was explained here now you are trying to say it's not working with only one UFWS fix? welp, it was working fine with my UUP dump ISO (it's on a video) and I don't have any more time to this nonsense sure, I got yours and other members code, it's for personal use only, it was never released anywhere
If you changed installation type to server then you'll get the server branding in the installer It's completely fine
I didn't change anything, I downloaded and used fix kit 4.0 and I normally just get windows, this time it keeps trying to install server.