You mean the Upgrade fail fix? Code: @echo off REG QUERY HKU\S-1-5-19\Environment >NUL 2>&1 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto :Got_Admin echo =================================================================== echo This script needs to be executed as an administrator. echo =================================================================== echo. pause goto :EOF :Got_Admin echo. echo =================================================================== echo. echo Run this command only when you're performing an echo ISO upgrade from a ^< dev channel to dev channel!!! echo. echo =================================================================== :choice set /P c=Are you sure you want to continue[Y/N]? if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :RUN if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :EOF goto :choice echo. :Run bcdedit /set {current} flightsigning yes echo. :ASK_FOR_REBOOT set "choice=" echo =================================================================== echo. echo A reboot is required to finish applying changes. echo. echo After rebooting just start setup.exe like you normally do. echo. echo Save your work before continuing!!! echo. echo =================================================================== set /p choice="Would you like to reboot your PC? (y/N) " echo. if /I "%choice%"=="y" shutdown -r -t 5 goto :EOF Put on the ISO by the Win 11 Boot & Upgrade fix kit Then i would have assumed speedy would have shown the error message, would have made it all a bit more easy to debug?
i cant show you the "block" i had yesterday...becorse it went away i can now upgrade with keeping my files thank you all for trying to help me...i start the upgrade now
this one is 100% needed: Code: bcdedit /set {current} flightsigning you can't boot without it because Insider builds on Dev / Canary are signed with special certificate Installer should ask you to enable this before upgrade, it definitely shouldn't ask about enrolling to the IP
it maybe was that "the block" i it doesnt show it anymore.. and starts installing...thats the right way right ? (using the 26xxx iso with their files)
The fix was made in the past with help of you know who, i noticed setup asks for this now, but when flightsigning is needed this would enable it (in the past at least), creating a 22635 ISO to install without enrolling and testing the 26052 upgrade next on that install.
it's not the block, it's not the hardware requirements either everyone should know that you can't boot insider builds without flightsigning flag, and you can't upgrade without it too I know it was made for the old installer, and current one always asking to enable that flag nothing to see here
last time i used an insider build was when win 10 to win 11 insider for me.. (im out of the mix for some years) so i cant know that (im sorry) it installs now.. (in pic) everything should be fine now (its at 60% now maybe soon reboot)
But why did his setup never asked for the change? I can't make much sense of most replies i read from him so maybe it was asked but not mentioned.
it asked but i misunderstand it to "join insider program" and clicking anything didnt let me continue... upgrade is installed now
well, we are testing the very unstable canary bs "builds" with a lot of bugs, this build for example can't do cleanups so it doesn't matter to me, just enable flightsigning and forget about it this is what I was talking about here
The pictures were meant to show no new builds were released at the usual release time, the shown builds are the current/old builds, not the new expected 26058.