I agree. and because Microsoft has a history full of illogical decisions, it is indeed very likely, that there won't be another build before GA. -andy-
Not to get into the whole RTM debate again, but that's not how it works. If they make an ISO, they have to test the ISO the same as they would have to test a new compiled build. In fact every ISO contains a unique compiled build in itself. They are constantly working with hardware manufacturers the entire time they are developing the OS. It never stops. They only authorize the OS for release at a certain point.
I noticed that and mentioned here. Was likely the first time in my life that I tried to do a simple thing not using the good old cpl, and didn't work
All of this Talk about Win 11. Maybe this Thread should get a Sticky so when Win 12 gets here, just change the 11 to 12 & reuse. Will we see Win 13 or will Microsoft skip to Win 14 ?
Has anyone come up with a fix for Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 x6 Minimum RunTime 14.28.29913 file missing "nimum_x64.msi" needed to install AMD video driver from AMD. Nothing on MS site or on AMD site. But all the drivers other then radeon-software-adrenalin-2020-21.4.1-win10-64bit-apr20 which will install without error of missing file. But after reboot or restart the driver is updated to the one in Windows11 which does not allow you to control overclocking or fan speed of the AMD video card. Don't know if same problem is with Nvidia driver anyone notice it.
Everything was going okay until this morning when Windows 11 explorer froze. I was forced to restart it.
Start in VGA mode then rollback. or use DDU to cleanup your windows and block the automatic driver updates
Like I say tried many things so far and no matter what the error comes back when you try to open the AMD control panel to adjust overclocking and fan control. I hope MS fixes the problem soon. It is a MS problem because even if you download the VC_redist.x64 and try to install it, it gives the same error. Even vs_professional__618458337.1624636076 this one that MS support says to use gives same error on install.
No it was not the forced rollback. If you would read my post you would know what I and another person on here are talking about. Windows 11 will not allow AMD video driver (the newer ones to install because it is looking for Visual C++ 2019 x64 Minimum RunTime 14.28.29913 in the system. Even if you have it installed, it says it is not there and if you try to install VC_redist.x64 it gives you the same error missing file "nimum_x64.msi". So this is a problem with Windows 11 not the driver. The only AMD driver that will install is radeon-software-adrenalin-2020-21.4.1-win10-64bit-apr20 but right after a second restart Windows 11 installs the driver it has in the WU. This driver is not compatible with the AMD adrenaline software so you can't set fan speed profile or overclocking profile for you GPU . Which really sucks. Windows team needs to fix this problem because there are other software packages that also need this RunTime package. I have sent off a thing to MS about this and have yet to get anything back.
Not that I've played a lot with any recent AMD driver, but vcredist should be needed by the adrenaline SW not the driver itself, so you should be able to install the driver using the device manger instead of going trough the setup, then you may try to install a slightly older adrenaline, eventually trying to launch the setup in compatibility mode. You can also try to uninstall the vc2019 and reinstall it in compatibility mode