i am guessing it would roll out to people who use teams and is linked to their microosft account that they use for insider program
Yes, however it’s gives me a error when starting chat. don’t forget you have to reboot to show up, and run Windows update and store updates.
Nope. 22000.1 is a newer and much more polished build, and it also seems the real Windoes 11 RTM which is just receiving CUs with no more full builds incoming until next year.
From what I heard, the L3 cache perf drop was only reported with AMD Ryzen CPUs (I have a 2700X), but there doesn't seem to be too many reports about this in-general. I've heard this has happened a few times in the past with some Windows 10 Insider builds too.
You mean to say screenshot. However, It used to function as "Save as" for me in former operating systems . Now Ctrl + S function as "Save as" in browser and "Save" in MS office.
Next build should be 22000.100. As no newer ones have been "flighted" (is this even a real word?) internally since last Saturday. I hope it drops today as it appears to have a truckload of fixes and small UI changes judging by the big jump from 71 to 100.
It better have truckloads of fixes to explorer and settings stability and UI tweaks. This 22000.71 build is near non-usable.
I have a problem with new Explorer window. I am using Logitech Options and after 10-20 minutes or few open/close and reopen, Explorer becomes unusable and dragging it almost impossible. I drag the window from one point to another and its slow. Also my cursor duplicated. One is mine and other is slow motion that i drag. When I manually stop/kill LogiOverlay.exe and other Logitech Options executables from task manager, everything works perfectly. Instantly all drag/drop fixed. When I restart those exe s from Program Files or restart Windows, I face the same issue again. However, this is not the case when I use old-style Ribbon-based Explorer. Only happens on new Explorer. Does anyone see this problem? This started to happen after .65 update and still exists on latest update. Does anyone know another workaround for this? Instead of killing exes every time? Maybe a setting that need to be set or change?