Why not? 22000.xxx doesn't enroll you to the dev channel by itself, and when you did, you can switch now to beta.
co_refresh is an old branch which is converging to co_release. Why should they switch to this branch rather than continue with the usual one?
Quite simple - you just switch channels, and wait till the next 'stable' build hits the beta channel. All that will happen is you won't get any more updates until the next beta build.
Hey @Enthousiast based on your experience were they any major breaking for your daily driver(if you were using it OFC) ? Last time I was on Dev was few years ago so I don't really remember.
A very polished os based on what? Have you already forgotten the remaining (and not few) graphic inconsistencies? And who tells you they will fix it instead do as with Windows 10, postponing everything to Nickel?
Dev Channel is either switching back to rs_prerelease or less likely, ni_release (if such branch exists)...
I wish there was a way to know what branch is Windows Update pulling builds from.. That way we would know in advance when there was a branch switch.
There's no need to investigate about it. The pulled build come from co_release (if you referring to 22000.111).
No no, I want to know in advance, when dev channel switches to a different branch.. even before they release any builds. This was possible in the early days of the program.... Where a registry key (I believe it was "BranchName"...) would explicitly mention the name of the branch (fbl_awesome1501 for example), instead of just "Mainline"...
I guess they switch to a new branch after co_release is done (October/November?) But i'm not really sure if will be rs_prerelease or not. Sometimes a new branch didn't show up immediately.
MSFT wants me to move to the BETA CHANNEL. Are they moving the DEV Builds we get here going to move over there? Should I change the channel or stay here?? TIA
Dev Channel is likely moving to newer builds... in the 224xx range maybe... If you want stability, move to beta . Otherwise, stay on Dev.
Afaik now it's: Latest Public Channel Release: 1904x.xxx Latest Release Preview Channel Release: 19044.xxx Latest Beta Channel Release: 22000.zzz Latest Dev Channel Release: Win 11 future test builds