That's what I meant. They limited it to build 22400 or greater. I was asking what you thought it meant. Do you think they just accidentally made this update public or do you think they have plans on releasing dev builds like a year and a half ahead of release?
Oh so that's why he completely disappeared. Now it makes sense. I always found it strange that if he turned the guy in, why would his website disappear and he drop of the face of the planet?
It's usually under the CPU configuration in the Bios, not under Security. and is sometimes called fTPM apparently.
I set the service "Microsoft Defender Antivirus" to Disabled. Then after a restart the service is enabled again and set to Manual. Also you cannot open 2 instances of a program by holding down Shift while clicking the program shortcut... We are loosing control
I tried this for Explorer in the taskbar and you are right, but right clicking on the icon and choosing File Explorer works.
I fixed the mmc console, windows took upon itself to rename all %systemroot% variables to C:\windows\, renaming them back to %systemroot% solved the issue
Control-Shift-Click means start the program as Administrator. Yes it will allow a second instance of a program, but the program will run as Administrator. And that is usually not wanted...