Ok, I will check with the process. Well, any particular reason connected with "Windows team" edition for this issue ?
Teams doesn't take the update. It's unchecked by default at UUP dump for that reason. Can you check if ppipro_xx-xx.esd is present in the UUPs folder?
Updated to Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT v1.9 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/win-11-boot-and-upgrade-fix-kit-v1-8.83724/ Changelog: Code: v1.9 Removed the need for mounting boot.wim, speeding up the progress
It's real easy to get them like this post. Use @abbodi1406 Offline Insider enroll script, turn diagnostics on full, reboot, run Store updates and everything updates. At least it did for me, quick and hassle free. Actually I should take this opportunity to thank @abbodi1406 for yet another great tool/script making things easy for us.