I used UUP dump today and while converting it showed : Adding package Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~22000.132.1.2 A RollupFix ? WIll that show with winver command ?
Rather than double posting it, I assume admin/mods will move it if appropriate. In all honesty it didn't cross my mind to post it in Tweaks and modifications.
I'm inclined to agree - I remember the Windows 8 fiasco. Not only did MS ignore the complaints about the missing Start Menu, they kept saying all their feedback showed nobody wanted it. Then they made a big issue with Windows 8.1 about the fact they'd heard the complaints and reinstated the Start Button (not the Start Menu), once again ignoring what users were asking for.
anyone getting very slow lan transfer rates on the latest build .132 ? this build seems very slow in that respect
Oh my God. Someone just got offended with my inquiry. Really? Its just screenshot! I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, and for the record, I never said you are stupid. You just post an unfriendly reply and I'm disappointed.