Something very similar here with .176. Upon login, about as far as you can get is to a crippled desktop, sometimes one without even a taskbar. Can get to Task Manager, but so far that's it. I'm trying to figure a way into Safe Mode so that I can attempt uninstalling .176, though wouldn't help if the profile is actually corrupted. I don't have another to test that.
Can anyone speculate why doesn't have any watermark, while does. seems weirde, BUT must be method in the madness.
Yes, 22000 with its series of CUs was just polish for RTM, where 22449 is back into the wild realm of experimental builds again that won't ever make it to an RTM.
They completely broke explorer.exe on every Win11 installation (old versions too). Now there's just a blank taskbar. GG Microsoft!
Yeah, and responses to that tweet suggest that no one has figured a way out yet. Uninstalling 22000.176 doesn't do it, but it can happen with 22449, too. Kind of surprised that it took so long to alert people to this.
Same here too. Taskbar was already unresponsive as soon as it finished installing and ask for restarting
Honestly, I've had enough of all this useless circus. I'll go back to Windows 10, waiting for Microsoft to give me a valid reason to switch to 11.
thats not a new thing had a problem with a computer i was fixing at school and it got updsted to windows 10 20h2 and cannot get to desctop and task manager is the only thing that works. it most likely is a broken profile because somebody else logged into that computer and it worked for them.
yes, but if you force Dev Channel for example using registry trick and install the Dev Build update it brokens explorer completely, but fortunatelly I had a restore point and now I recovered my PC, so seems Microsoft changed something in the kernel that broken the compatibility with olders PCs.
I modify the start very slightly to include either normal boot or safe mode as an option. Its the easiest way I know of to revert back to to safe mode, even in W11.