Same here. I had also set my Insider options to stop getting builds when the next release was available. I suppose all updates will just be incremental with fixes.
Is it just me or does the brightness get reset to 50% when you switch to a different projection mode.
New Defender Control v2. What's the included Defender_Settings.vbs file for? Required? The actual .exe and it's accompanying .ini file have to be extracted from another .zip file after extracting the main folder. Code: dControl folder when extracted from Download. Defender_Settings.vbs ReadMe.txt _Password.txt There's a ReadMe that advises to use the Menu and add it to exclusions. But what's the included Defender_Settings.vbs file for? Code: Dim tCommand tCommand = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe") If Not (CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FileExists(tCommand)) Then tCommand = "windowsdefender://Threatsettings" CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute(tCommand) I've made it so just the .exe and its accompanying .ini file are in a dControl folder and all seems perfectly well. Update: Looked in the latest comments on the release page and can see no mention of the included .vbs script. Hopefully, someone who understands .vbs can advise what it does or what it's for.
I got kicked in 176 using that same option "Stop with insider builds once the new version is released" I'm glad it worked
Thank you. Same as adding it from the menu I guess. I get it now, you're meant to run that to add the exclusion before you extract the main exe from the .zip and stop it being detected on extraction.
I've been having a problem connecting to my workgroup. I just installed today's update and tried it again but no change. This is the error I get. But what is strange, if I sign out and log in as Administrator, I don't get this error and I can connect without any problem. My own user account shows that I am an administrator. So apparently Windows is treating user administrator differently if I am using my user account than when I am using the administrator account. Any ideas?
22000(Build number) .xxx(184 now) indicates the CU(Cumulative Update). 22000 is final/RTM unless they find a ''critical'' bug and change it, no matter the CU. I wonder how many times we have to clarify this.
I only care about game performance and game features(DirectStorage, DirectX 12 Ultimate etc) so i'll use the new OS.
It will become final when all needs to be enrolled into any channel are lifted.. Yes, updates as in hotfixes are offered on WU without the need for enrolling into any channel. But some features need enrollment to work, iirc.