You can clean install it on unsupported hardware without issues. You "just" won't be able to update it officially via WU.
I'm in Build 22000.194 but the apps are not updαting (Snipping Tool, Calculator, and Clock with Focus Sessions!) wtf can i do? I'm not in beta channel program.
Does this post help you out with up to date apps? I used OfflineInsiderEnroll tool in Beta by @abbodi1406 and got updated apps fine. Remember to turn diagnostic data to full, can't remember but I think the tool reminds you of that before it prompts to reboot.
Dude thats work thanks! I want to stay in the stable build that will be released in October, I have to leave from the beta channel?
I've no idea, I assume you just leave the Beta channel when they roll out the final version. I only run it in VM's to be familiar with it. I don't like Windows 11 at all and won't be using it, they are beyond obsessed with touch devices, MS must think the whole world uses touch devices. The new context menus (spacing for sausage fingers - like Edge bookmarks), horrible new start menu (turn off recent apps and unpin all the modern apps stuff and you're left with a hulking great space of nothingness), awful taskbar and all the functionality they have removed from it is terrible IMO. They've started advertising it on Sky TV in the UK, I assume the "It all starts now" song they've chosen for the TV ad may be a reference to the horrible new start menu. Until it has some major new features added and goes beyond a fancy skin glued onto Win 10 (still no systemwide dark mode) it doesn't appeal. Fortunately StartIsBack makes it usable again, start menu/context menus/taskbar, and more tweaks and third party apps to make it less awful are beginning to appear. But I do fully appreciate others may like it a lot, each to their own naturally. </rant>
MS believes that pretty much everything in the not to far future will be touch screen they mite have a point.
The it all starts now is for gaming/music and social media........ As windows 11 is supposed to be gear more towards gaming with Xbox services... And such
Microsoft and PC gaming... Feels great when you have to fight OS to stop reinstalling crappy GPU drivers.
Totally agree. It's Windows 8 all over again, now without the under the hood improvements 8 had, it's just a lame reskin
Ok you don't like Windows 11 or won't be using it. That's fine, you opinion and your choice. But could you guys please create a thread or use another one to complaint? I always thought this thread was for the development of Windows 11, new features, changes, bugs. That's why I read this thread, expecting news, changes, new stuff... It's like every page has 10 posts just with complains...
Everybody is entitled to dislike something. You want to complain, that's fine, but let people who come to this thread looking for news and changes read about them.
They weren't "wrong", they changed their mind several years later. As they're allowed to and any smart person might do. Nintendo during the 90's once famously said during the videogame violence debates that Night Trap would never release on a Nintendo platform. Quite emphatically. 20some years later, they changed their minds and it came to the Switch with relative indifference. It doesn't make the reports wrong, just what they intended at the time.
No, they were wrong. One single employee used the word "final" and every media outlet ran with it. They never bothered to get clarification or other sources. That's the problem. In this case, they don't even have a quote.
The title says this thread is for discussion of the 22000.x builds exclusively, not general development.