I'm getting along reasonably well with it now, although the changes to the Default Apps in Settings is a bit of a pain. But I do know one of the biggest grumbles I tend to hear from my customers about Windows 10 is that MS keep changing things just when they're starting to get used to where everything is. I hear this a lot from home users, so I can only assume MS aren't interested in their opinions.
So just curious, if we have Win 11 Pro (Build 22000.194) right now, we can just upgrade/update to the "official" release version come Oct. 5th correct? I am loving Win 11 Pro right now - the only thing that is irksome is that Windows Explorer freezes from time to time when I'm copy/pasting files etc. If I don't touch anything for a minute, it comes right back - is there a fix for this or do we have to tweak something to get it to work right?
We don't know for sure how things will work after October 5, but build 22000 is effectively RTM, so you should keep receiving cumulative updates, like the ones you're already getting, until 22000's end of life 24-36 months from now. To keep receiving updates after that, you'll have to update to whatever the next build ends up being. Updating to the next build will probably have to be done manually for those who bypassed Windows 11's system requirements.
Actually, HIMEM.SYS was rather late. Power users used DRDOS with the 4DOS command processor and QEMM, the Quarterdeck memory manager, years before DOS 5 was released. DOS 5 was rather buggy.
Launching Microsoft Store is freezing my laptop. The live tiles in the store app run, but nothing is clickable. The cursor moves, but does nothing else. I have to use ctrl+alt+del to bring up task manager, and then when I get back to the desktop everything works.
Yes,. I am having the same problem, but not related to the store. I am assuming that it is a bug, probably known, which must be fixed or Windows 11 is of course unusable. Interesting that invoking Task Manager usually fixes it.
Ah, so it would be business suicide to do this, yet they openly threaten to do so... because... that will... help... salHEYWAITADAMNMINUTETHISCONSPIRACYTHEORYMAKESNOSENSE...
Been getting this as well as far back as the initial leak. Even causes the RGB lighting on keyboard to stop moving and then it picks up when its unfrozen. Had started to wonder if it might be something done to stop people using these builds indefinitely but "fixed" in the final versions.
At the end Microsoft again given proven of its unmutable attitude related to Windows development. Somebody remember this? www zdnet com/article/why-is-windows-10-a-mess-ex-microsoft-engineer-blames-the-culture-of-made-men/