ESD is solid-compressed and can only be read as a stream or block. Servicing needs random access, so, you first need to re-export into WIM. It's the same with solid vs. non-solid archives. Updating one file in a solid archive requires re-creating the complete archive (or at least large parts of it).
So why Microsoft doing this???better is download the ISO and create bootable with Rufus???what is better?
im looking for de-de_windows_11_business_editions_x64_dvd_3ecfd578.iso (GERMAN Version) anyone have them ? Thanks.
The MCT is meant for noob users, just to directly upgrade their current install or create a simple ISO/USB to be used for installing the OS.
Edit [DISCUSSION] Windows 11 Insider Preview Build (PC) [Beta Channel - co_release] to RTM remove that beta ! ! !
If you want to edit the ISO then yes its "better" as it makes it possible. If you just want to install Windows 11 and not make changes prior to having it installed just roll with MCT. It's simple and "just works" if you only intend to install Windows 11. If you do want to strip a bunch of stuff out make a custom install removing and adding stuff then the ISO route is the option for you.
Which is better or install.esd, what do people perfer? What one is better for upgrade or in place upgrade.
You are possibly on the Insider Preview Dev channel. If you were not participating you shouldn't receive that Build.
yeah exactly i was on that channel but now i disable it.. is there a way to put the rtm version as an update - downgrade or i must clean install them??