I've been using the previous build on each of my machines since it came out. A bit more stable and performs slightly better, imo.
how can i have new Windows 11 Widgets UI ? i have the old one that came with win10 insider how can i update this widgets to new widgets UI
Using it on one of my main VMs but that VM is used for very little. On my main hardware I am waiting until 2022. I also run 11 on a few test boxes but other than testing new updates and drivers, I don't use these systems for anything.
Hyper-V randomly died on this build as well "Check that the Virtual Machine Management service is running and that you are authorized to connect to the server." (localhost, btw that particular service is running) Due to this, WSL2 also doesn't work. Tried disabling and re-enabling all the components, sfc, dism, it won't budge.
Im using this on my gaming pc ....no issues what so ever. Tell a lie ..the latest nvidia driver powers down alot but thats not a OS issue.
could anyone help me create a script that will trigger a dot reg file after clicking I don't have key during installation.