[DISCUSSION] Windows 11 Official Build 22000.xxx (PC) [co_release]

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by Enthousiast, Jun 28, 2021.

  1. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    That is up to the individual to decide.
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  2. #1662 Deleted member 1385001, Jul 11, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2021
    Hmm absolutely correct . up to indvidual to assume but thats not a clear vision then conclude by himself via assumptions n come to a decision which is never counted as concrete

    Edit :
    Leave it you cant understand these words. will assume again somthing different which will become a cause for another issue.
  3. donmiller

    donmiller MDL Addicted

    Jun 4, 2016
    Try not to think of MDL as a real physical place where people can genuinely injure each other in some way. It's not a physical place. It's a virtual place in cyberspace. Few people genuinely know who they are talking too. It's like we are wearing masks and costumes at a costume party! So insults and disrespect shouldn't be taken too seriously. The only people that can govern a forum are the moderators. MDL members come from all walks of life and many different nations. You might garner the attention of a government magistrate if you were hacking and threatening the political stability of a nation state. But I don't see that happening here. So if someone needlessly insults you, or disrespects you, or whatever, just think of it as "baby talk."

    The value of MDL (as with any forum) is in the exchange of constructive information. (In this case, it's the topic of Windows 11). It's in figuring out problems and sharing what we've learned with each other. So far, I've seen you make some positive contributions. Don't let a few miscreants mess that up for you.
  4. flopke

    flopke MDL Novice

    Jul 18, 2015
    Is there a registry hack for show seconds in taskbar system clock? :eek:
  5. Its a very great way you have said everything in very few words . I mark your reply as awesome . thanks for great words. you are a very nice person. Yes i do know its a Online World as We can say it as Virtual World. Very Happy to see such a good comment though.

    Stay Blessed n Be Happy Always
  6. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    This would be a valuable hack as I like to see seconds in system clock.
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  7. rustynails

    rustynails MDL Junior Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    Is there a reg hack to stop the in fighting? lol

    Im more intersected in whats under the hood of windows 11 then how it looks.
  8. MarvelX7

    MarvelX7 MDL Member

    Jun 1, 2021
    Insider Preview 10.0.22000.71
  9. rustynails

    rustynails MDL Junior Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    Where? not seeing it on UUP DUMP
  10. feefre

    feefre MDL Member

    May 11, 2020
    Isnt that an Internal build? i dont see anything in WU either
  11. antonio8909

    antonio8909 MDL Guru

    Feb 16, 2014
    It's MSFT Internal. Not available
  12. #1672 Deleted member 1385001, Jul 11, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2021
    I have already posted complete OEM pack for 21996.x which does all the needed jobs user is asking for a workarround with all preconfigured settings as well as 0 level telemetry plus no bloatware including systemapps via srdrepository database taking down the triggers then set isinbox to 0.
    I dont know if something is changed in 22000.xx as its not tested by myself as a virtual machine.

    Edit :
    Most people say that my OEM pack breaks good functioning of there os n make it unstable but for me it going flawlessly on 21996 build Virtual os .
  13. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    winaerotweaker has a quick option for that. I have no idea if it still works on w11.
  14. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Well it's a little bit hyperbolic but they do tend to get spread around a lot in the enthusiast circles and then people complain when their system doesn't work. It's kinda annoying.
    As far as MS doing the online thing, it is definitely annoying, but it is their operating system. I would prefer if there was a valid non-unix based competition that could actually run native Windows applications without running in emulation mode, but I doubt we'll get that. I could rant further but it would start to get into political territory and this section of the forum really isn't the place for that.
  15. RobrPatty

    RobrPatty MDL Expert

    Jul 23, 2009
    Maybe tomorrow
  16. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    I'm afraid that isn't going to happen. ReactOS is a really interesting project, but given all fresh developer's "meat" was already taken by Linux and BSDs, the manpower is really scarce, the recent leak of WinXP source code made the matter even worse, given they have to be sure that nothing copied ends in the sources, which doubles the already huge work.

    My personal dream would be a real componentized windows, where one could start with a really minimal CoreOS then add the client and/or server packages and drivers one by one.
    Win embedded is/was a step in that direction, but not enough for my taste.
  17. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    This isn't going to happen. The most obvious reason is that there are millions of people who buy computers and just want it to run with little or no learning curve. Even if it is a brand new OS like perhaps their old machine had Windows 7 on it, and their new machine has Windows 10 they want it to work more or less the same. Press the start button and click on the program they want, and voilá! off you go. They don't want to download extra programs, install extra drivers, or anything like that. They want everything they need to already be installed and ready to use.
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  18. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Sure, after the iphone arrival, the IT users became just button pushers. A mutlifunction PC/Smartphone device, in the hands of single function humans. o_O

    Whatever would be too much to ask a single SKU meant to be assembled, there could be a component SKU aimed to power users/companies/sysadmins and a few premade SKUs based on the former.

    Just like a good restaurant where you can order "a la carte" or, if you are in hurry (or just lazy) you can get the menu of the day.

    But I'm sure you are right, isn't going to happen. I called that "a dream" for a reason ;)
  19. gt2554

    gt2554 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    My advice to everyone. Want it or not, like it or not, Windows 11 is likely the last new release of Windows as we have known it for the past 36 years. From November 1985 to October 2021. Windows 1.0 to Windows 11. That will be known as an era. The era that windows ran locally on hardware that you own.

    Cloud PC is coming and will likely take over rather quickly in the enterprise and then trickle down to SMB and Home users.

    Enjoy Windows 11 while it lasts...
  20. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Cloud stands to Personal Computers, just like Napoleon was to the French revolution

    Restoration after revolution

    The main point of PCs was to move the data from big mainframes back to the hands of users, now we are following the opposite direction.

    The irony is that both process were started by Apple first to fight the "evil monopolist" of the time (IBM), then to please the monopolist of the time (Apple itself).

    MS is just apeing Apple's method