[DISCUSSION] Windows Repair Toolbox

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by windsman, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. kakaran

    kakaran MDL Novice

    Jun 16, 2015
    Thank you ! :clap:
  2. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    That's correct, thanks! :)
  3. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    Hi all,

    it's now available a new version of Windows Repair Toolbox (Version In this version I've tried to update the set of tools, improve the compatibility of the software with Windows 10, and implement several fixes and improvements.

    Overview of whats changed:

    - Windows Repair Toolbox will no longer minimize to the system tray;

    - The stop button Webcam test will now reset the image back to blank. Improved Microphone Test buttons management;

    - The green and red CPU temperature indicators will now load faster;

    - The instructions of use of the email settings are now more visible;

    - Implemented a functionality to prevent the start of a new downloads before the previous are completed;

    - Fixed Vipre download;

    - Fixed a bug that would create a file in Windows Repair Toolbox folder that couldn’t be removed before a reboot;

    - Extraction of almost all zip files is now performed in a separated thread, in order to improve performance;

    - The notes are now automatically saved, and not only when the application is closed.

    - Replaced Nirsoft.PWD (package of all Nirsoft Password Recovery Tools), Nirsoft.SYS (package of all Nirsoft System Tools) and AppCrashView with NirLauncher;

    - Replaced Slimdrivers with Snappy Drivers Installer;

    - Replaced Unlocker with GrantPerms;

    - Added Don’t Sleep;

    - Added GWX Control;

    - Replaced PatchMyPC with sUMO;

    - Replaced Active Partition Manager with Minitool Partition Wizard;

    - Removed link to Microsoft FixIt;

    - Added Complete Internet Repair;

    - Added FixWin 10;

    - Added FreeFixer;

    - Added Emsisoft Emergency Kit;

    - Removed from Final Tests: Silverlight and Shockwave

    - Added to Final Tests: .ZIP and CrowdInspect;

    - Several others improvements and fixes.

    Please let me know of bugs you might find so i can fix them, and also about your suggestions to improve the program. Thanks!
  4. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    Hi all,

    i've just released version of Windows Repair Toolbox

    - Added: if the buttons "CompIntRepair" (Complete Internet Repair) or "NetRepairAIO" (NetAdapter Repair All In One) are clicked but there's no internet connection to perform the downloads, Windows Repair Toolbox will offer to attempt to repair the connection.

    - Added "PatchMyPC" back to the toolbox (replacing sUMO).

    - Improvements in the processing of Emsisoft during the unattended fix process.

    - Several other minor improvements and fixes.

    All feedback is welcome. Thanks!
  5. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    #26 ThomasMann, Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016

    Thank you, that looks very good, I will try it later. In post #1 is says: "- "Unattended fix" option, automatically performs: malware removal, system cleaning and repair and disk defragment."
    I am using an SSD as C-drive and HDD (also built in, of course) a storage...

    Anything I need to watch? I suppose the tool recognizes an SSD and will not try to defragment it, but I want to make sure....

  6. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    Hi ThomasMann,

    thank you for your interest, i hope that the tool will be useful for you!

    The tools that will run during the unattended fix are the ones you select in the second tab, so the defragment part (it will defrag your C:\ partition) will only run if you explicitly select it.
  7. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    Hi all,

    I've just released the version of Windows Repair Toolbox. The tool is now available at: windows-repair-toolbox.com. Here's what's changed (as usual sorry in advance for any errors, English is not my first language):

    - The “Notes” tab now offers more features (ability to save to, import, print, save screenshots, format the text, etc.), including the integration with some of the Nirsoft Password Recovery Tools (to easily save to one single file or print one document containing the Windows and Office product keys, emails, wireless, and browsers passwords).

    - Emsisoft Emergency Kit will no longer prompt for a extraction path, it will automatically be extracted to the same location as the other malware removal tools.

    - In the hardware section, MemTest has been replaced with GPU-Z (because except for remote assistance, i can't imagine other scenario were the tool would be used instead of a bootable program).

    - Eset Services Repair has been discontinued by Eset as a standalone tool, and has been integrated into Sirefef Cleaner. WRT will now run this tool ("Serv. Repair" button) with the specific parameter to make it repair and restore Windows Services to their default state (ps: just noticed a typo in the tooltip of the button, i repeated the word "repair" twice, i'll correct that in the next version).

    - With some previously downloaded programs, WRT would return a message stating that the file already exists and would start a new download afterwards, instead of giving the user the option either to run the already existing file or to download a new one. This bug has been fixed.

    - Due to a change in Bleeping Computer website, some of the downloads stopped working. To overcome that issue, I temporarily hosted myself some of the files and, from time time some programs like AdwCleaner or Combofix became outdated. That issue is now solved, and those downloads are now coming again directly from Bleeping Computer.

    - The tool “FixWin” would not download and run in Windows 8.1. That problem is now fixed.

    - If selected to run during the unattended fix process, Windows Repair AIO would stop in it's repair nº 7, under 32 bits versions of Windows. That issue is now solved.

    - Clicking the "Clear Downloads" button in the settings tab would make WRT "not responding" while the downloads were being erased. That problem has been fixed.

    - Decrapifier no longer runs under Windows XP, and Emsisoft no longer runs on Windows versions prior to Windows 7. When trying to run any of these programs in any of those versions of Windows, WRT will inform through a message box and will not proceed.

    As always, all feedback (suggestions to improve, bug reports, etc.) is welcome.

  8. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    Hi everybody,

    i've just released an update to WRT (version Here's what's changed:

    - If Windows Repair AIO was selected to run as part of the Unattended Fix, during its repair number 5 a message box from WRT would prompt. That problem has been solved.

    - In some parts of Unattended Fix the main Window of WRT would became irresponsive for a few seconds. That no longer happens and the process runs now more fluidly.

    - Placed back the tooltip of “PatchMyPC” button (it was missing).

    - Corrected the wording in “Serv.Repair” tooltip (the word “repair” was repeated).

    - Placed back the info icon in the “Malware Removal” Tab (I removed it by mistake in the last update).

    - Added an informational message that will show up when “sfc /scannow” button is clicked under Windows XP.

  9. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    Version released:

    - FRST was not being saved to the location selected by the user. That bug as been fixed.

    - Added to the tooltips of Complete Internet Repair and NetAdapter Repair All-In-One buttons, the information that Windows Repair Toolbox will attempt to repair the internet connection by itself if it isn't possible to download those tools.

    - Added a tooltip to GPU-Z button (it was missing).

    - Updated 7-Zip components to version 16.02.
  10. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015

    - Fixed a problem with the CPU temperature monitor, that affected versions and later. The problem was that the CPU temperature value wasn't getting updated /refreshed (it was displaying the correct temperature value at WRT startup, but the value was not being updated afterwards).
  11. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    Hi all,

    version is now online.


    - Added the ability to add custom tools to Windows Repair Toolbox (in the new tab "Custom Tools").

    - If the unattended fix process gets unexpectedly interrupted (that will happen, for instance, when one of the malware removal tools forces a reboot in order to remove some infection, or due to malware reaction to some tool), the next time Windows Repair Toolbox starts you'll be informed about what was the tool running when it happened, so that you can continue the unattended fix process from that point forward.

    - Windows Repair All-in-One logs will now also be attached to the final "Unattended_Fix_Logs.zip". A bug that was preventing TDSS Killer logs to be attached has also been fixed.

    - In the "Settings" tab there's now an option to display the CPU temperature information in Fahrenheit (°F).

    - Replaced the great but long time discontinued JavaRa for the official Java Uninstall Tool.

    Side notes:
    - the new functionality that allows adding tools to WRT involves editing a .xml file using Notepad++. I've tried to make the instructions as clear as i could, but please let me know if it's confusing, or if there's anything i should do to make them more easily understandable. Any question, just let me now and i'll be happy to help.

    - I'm aware that, unfortunately, Snappy Driver Installer has been discontinued. I decided to keep it since that's a very recent event and for sure many people will continue to use it anyway.

    Any questions, suggestions or bug reports, please let me know.

  12. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    #33 AlexCa, Aug 24, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
    [FONT=&amp]Hi all, [/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]a new version of Windows Repair Toolbox is now available (version[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]- WRT will now detect and use the system proxy settings to connect to the network and download the programs.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]- Implemented a check before attempting to run a downloaded program: if it doesn't match the size of the one in the server, it will try to re-download it for another two times. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]- The CPU temperature is now retrieved in a more efficient way.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]- Fixed a bug that would turn off the CPU temperature monitor if temperature of the CPU reached above 100ºC.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]- Under “Useful Tools”: replaced GWX Control with TCPView.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]- Under “Windows”: replaced Msconfig and Regedit with Event Viewer and Reliability Monitor.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]-Under “Repairs”: replaced Dial-A-Fix with a link to the built-in Windows Troubleshooting tools; replaced Avast Browser Cleanup with Ultra Adware Cleaner.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]- Under “Uninstallers”: replaced Geek Uninstaller with Revo Uninstaller (the free version now also supports 64-bit versions of Windows)[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]- Some other minor improvements and fixes.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]As usual, any questions, suggestions or bug reports, please let me know.[/FONT]
  13. ced82

    ced82 MDL Novice

    Aug 28, 2016
    Thank you, i go to test it
  14. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    Hi all,

    I've just updated WRT to version in order to fix the issue with the password recovery tools.

    - The password recovery tools in the "Notes" tab are now working again.

  15. gatri

    gatri MDL Novice

    Nov 16, 2015
    thank you :clap:
  16. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    #37 AlexCa, Sep 14, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
    Released Version

    - Added support for Intel Skylake CPU’s (temperature monitoring)
    - Some minor improvements and fixes

  17. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    Released Version

    - Fixed: When the latest version of Snappy Driver Installer (R496) was executed through WRT, it couldn’t load new themes or languages. There’s was also one file from SDI that couldn’t be deleted using the “Clear Downloads” button from WRT.

  18. niche99

    niche99 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    I have some questions about this useful tool.
    1. What is WinRing0 driver used for?
    2. Why is all data downloaded to C: in the portable version? To be truly portable the application should not store ANY data on the C: drive. Should it not use the current folder that the application is running from to store all data? After all, I may not have enough space in the C:\ drive to store all the downloaded data.
  19. AlexCa

    AlexCa MDL Member

    Apr 14, 2015
    #40 AlexCa, Oct 1, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
    Hi niche99, thank you for your interest.
    1. It's used by the temperature monitor, and it gets unloaded and removed as soon as the program is closed.
    2. That was a design decision (subject to change according to the feedback i receive from users). Normally if you have several computers to repair and only one pendrive, you need to be able to remove the pendrive at any time from the computer you're working to use it in another. This approach allows me to do that, and the data will normally be safer from corruption in the disk than in the pendrive (that's normally always on the move from computer to computer), also the disk will normally have more available space than the pendrive. The program gets extracted to C:\ and it's automatically removed from there when it closes. On the other hand i agree that if the user has to repair only a computer at a time, and without hurry, the approach of saving the data in the pendrive is the best and offers other advantages.