Yes, that is it. Maybe an AV is blocking the connection? A more comprehensible error message will now be shown when that error occurs (just released a new version of WRT).
Hi, I've just released version of Windows Repair Toolbox: - Expanded the capabilities of the backup / restore customization's functionality: besides the "Branding" settings and the custom.xml file, it can now backup all the tools added to the "Custom Tools" tab. This allows you to quickly restore your customization's after downloading a new version of the program, or to more easily deploy those same customization's into other copy of WRT. - Fixed: if the "AVLeftovers" window was closed in the middle of a scan (so, without the "Stop" button being clicked first), that scan would continue to run in the background, and an informative window would be displayed at the end. - Fixed: an error that prevented a customization's backup to be saved to the root of the Windows Repair Toolbox directory (there are however, some sub-folders inside the Windows Repair Toolbox directory where the backup cannot be saved, that's intended). - Fixed: a rare circumstance would still result in an "Root element is missing" error message at the program startup, or when manually checking for updates. Thank you.
Hi, I've just released version of WRT. The only purpose of this update was to reduce the size of program package. This was done by replacing Notepad++ (used to edit the custom.xml file in the "Custom Tools" tab) with ATPad, a smaller editor. With this replacement it was possible to reduce the size of the package from 4.16 MB to 2.56 MB, without loosing any functionalities. Thank you.
Hi everyone, I've just released version Here's what's changed: - Refactored the code behind the download and execution of the tools, in order to reduce the dependency and number of calls to the definitions file. - The file "Windows_Repair_Toolbox (fast start, no monitors).bat", that is in the same directory as Windows_Repair_Toolbox.exe and that starts WRT in a fail-safe mode, can now be executed from UNC paths. - Adapted the download of "FastCopy" to the changes in the packaging of that application that were brought by its latest version, released yesterday (version 3.52). WRT automates all the steps that are now required to use that program as a portable application. - Replaced "Webroot System Analyzer" with "Kaspersky System Checker" ("Diagnosis" button, in the "Useful Tools" section; and "Analysis" button, in the "Final Tests" tab), because this last one offers a more comprehensive diagnosis / analysis of the system. Thank you!
Hi all, version of Windows Repair Toolbox has just been released: - Added a search box to the "Custom Tools" tab. - Removed "AOMEI" and "Malwarebytes", and added "Don't Sleep" and "Dr.Web CureIt!". All the tools included in the toolbox are now portable. - Fixed: the "Fahrenheit" setting wasn't being saved in the portable version of WRT - after closing and opening the program it would go back to Celsius. - Fixed: the tooltips of the "Diagnosis" and the "Report" buttons. Thank you!
Hey Kyle, I like your tools but at this point i still prefer the alternatives, I'm sorry. Anyway its worth to mention that another tool of yours, RAMExpert, is included, in the "Hardware" section. Thank you.