Speaking of Hyper-V, is there an option to rip server version of Hyper-V from WS2016, Uninstall Microsoft-Hyper-V-ClientEdition-Package on W10 Client and install a server one? What I want to see is Discreet Device Assignment to be able to pass through my NVidia GPU to OS X VM
I tried my port for WHS-2011 in W7 (W7 lacks totally it) and also the one from 2012 R2 on W8.1 in both cased they did install nicely, but they were blocked or limited by product policy. I guess would be the same in W10/2016, but feel free to try and report your findings.
Just for grins, thought I would add 14393.103 to datacenter. I don't see any issues, and it's blazing fast. Anyone else try this?
I am using Windows server 2016 with the essentials role add on and is the primary domain controller seems to be working well but I have the following event which I cannot resolve task scheduler has encountered rpc initialisation error in rpcserveruseproseq:ncan_ip_tcp error value 14. Does anyone else get this error ?? I have searched the Internet including technet but cannot find a solution this is on a hp microserver gen 8 confused:
Tried that does not resolve issue another suggestion I found was to stop and restart task manager,com,and rpc services but you cannot do that they are greyed out.
I've been using this for a month as a gaming OS and I've gotta say it's been pretty smooth. However after windows update today my winver now reports I'm using Hyper-V Server 2016 when it was just Server 2016 earlier today. Any ideas how to fix this? Still says Server 2016 in pc properties. On build 14393.105 if that helps. It did it on .51 as well.
How many language folders in Windows\Branding\Basebrd? en-US only? I just tried both en-US version and the one converted to my language without problem. (Hyper-V? There is a ServerHyperCore in product.ini, but not in the leaked image.)
Using it as a "gaming OS" did you mess with any of the licensing or packages somehow? If not, maybe a bug in the .105 rollup. If they follow previous tradition, Hyper-V Server will be a completely separate ISO, and will be free.
Only thing stripped out of it is Windows Defender. Also tried a clean install and after windows update it does the same thing. Also @xinso there is only en-US in that folder.
Would you mind showing me the link of the ISO you use? (I am recreating a SeverDataCenter image in my language with updates integrated. I will show you mine when it finished cleanup job.)