That is all i have done as well. I have successfully used the previous cmd to change versions to VOL KMS client. I was able to install the above KM3192366 and then only follow up WU with a defender update. I have full kms and exchange 2016 CU3 working as expected. Has anyone run into issues with a large number of 2016 server in ESXi? I have about 20 guests on server 2016 and seem to be lagging on occasion. I have also reamoved VisualFX and disabled defender and have increased performance.
Are you planning on making this image because I cant convert the eval to standard pre install. I can't install and then convert due to it not letting me keep my files because of eval being a different version.
Offline Set-edition should work (test on serverstandard desktop version): Code: dism.exe /image:c:\mount /Get-TargetEditions Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.14393.0 Image Version: 10.0.14393.0 Editions that can be upgraded to: Target Edition : ServerStandard Target Edition : ServerDatacenter The operation completed successfully. Code: dism.exe /image:"c:\mount" /Set-Edition:ServerStandard Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.14393.0 Image Version: 10.0.14393.0 Starting to update components... Removing package Microsoft-Windows-ServerStandardEvalEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.14393.0 Removing package Microsoft-Windows-ServerStandardEvalEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.14393.0 [==========================100.0%==========================] Finished updating components. Starting to apply edition-specific settings... Finished applying edition-specific settings. The operation completed successfully.
Yes, you are right about it. I have tested it again and again. But if applied to Windows 10 manually, KB3176936 (Servicing Stack) will be installed by Windows Update.
Server 2016 RTM Refresh build 14393.0.160911-2111 are available for OEM's on MOO/SOC, for all other partners via VLSC/WU after October 12 according to wzornet
In what scenario do you get the servicing stack offered? I just installed the clean untouched EVAL edition of ServerStandard (desktop) and installed the CU .msu just by doubleclicking it, and WU only offered the defender definitions and the MRT.
@xinso: I downloaded Wzors refresh iso and the servicing stack update is downloaded after clean install, on the converted eval iso's it didn't.
Dear Xinso in my windows registry path is differs from yours, but the content is the same look: Code: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion "BuildBranch"="rs1_release" "BuildLab"="14393.rs1_release.160915-0644" "BuildLabEx"="14393.206.amd64fre.rs1_release.160915-0644" "CompositionEditionID"="ServerDatacenterEval" "CurrentBuild"="14393" "CurrentBuildNumber"="14393"