Well, I would obviously recommend waiting til Aug 2 before making any build dependent stuff, but it's gonna be the same as this one. Hopefully they won't try to sneak in a new KMS protocol in an update. I can't imagine they would, as it would be terrible for business, but you never know.
To install dotnet just change source path to the image folder(or dvd drive path) you used to install windows srver, ie x:\Sources\SxS\
What if you where to upgrade a win2012 server (daz activated) to win2016? would it stay activated? ~MC
It's very unlikely. But if kms activated and the kms service is installed (I guess) it should be activated automagically on the first boot.
and nt server 3.5 and nt server 3.1 and cheap ole windows for workgroups 3.1x for our token ring and sneaker networks probably more internally that never got released
They didn't forget about those earlier releases. One of the MS higher-ups tweeted today: "4.0 was the real start in most people's mind." Those earlier releases were pretty nascent as I recall, so there's something of a point to it.
No, as Server 2016 requires a new revision of SLIC, probably 2.4. Tested myself - installed Server 2016 Datacenter in VirtualBox with HP SLIC 2.3, installed certificate & generated OEM:SLP key but its still in notification mode.
@T-S: Can you tell me from where do you have the MUIs for Server 2016? I tried an language pack from W10 14393 but I couldn't install it. Thanks.
As I said, I did install them manually Export the MUI reg (from a W10 en-US plus MUI) and import install the reg in W Server (this is for it_IT) Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages\en-US] "LCID"=dword:00000409 "Type"=dword:00000111 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages\it-IT] "DefaultFallback"="en-US" "en-US"=hex(7):00,00,00,00 "LCID"=dword:00000410 "Type"=dword:00000092 then copy the MUIs from the W10 iso to W Server installation 90% of them are in \windows\it_it \windows\system32\it \windows\system32\it_IT \windows\syswow64\it \windows\syswow64\it_IT (again the examples are for Italian) Then reboot and set your language as usual. You can refine further by copying other it_IT folders from other places (program files and so on) and adding the missing server ones taking them from Wsever build 14300 Just use another installation, or 7zip to open the WIM
maybe I missed this, but using this on the current build (Pre-Anniversary) does the updated dedup mess with previous dedup setups? Im still on the last release of files for my drives.