Hi dear friend, could you create another including the x64 portuguese-brazilian version? Thanks in advanced.
Hi guys I cant get any of the activators to work with this build, datacenter version has anyone been able to activate?
Can someone tell me the name of the latest ISO for Windows Server 2016 is (not 1709/1803)? I've found this one through looking: SW_DVD9_Win_Svr_STD_Core_and_DataCtr_Core_2016_64Bit_English_-3_MLF_X21-30350.ISO That looks to be from end of last year. Anything newer? thx
One of Win Server's best features is how it will automatically update all your offline WIM files you store on it, its utilization of the free MDT add-on and how they integrate. You will never have outdated WIM files.
Yo! Are you the same as "DrEmpiricism" On GitHub If you are, do you have a similar Optimize-Offline for Windows 2016? IMO your PowerShell driven Optimize-Offline approach blows the rest of the off-line OS 'trimmers' out of the water!
That is indeed I, and thank you for the kind words. Oddly enough, I've been periodically updating it the last few hours as I've been updating projects on official repositories. The new version of the script should be on GitHub a bit later. As for your question, I have a handful of scripts I wrote to convert Windows Server into a Workstation or Desktop variations of itself, so yes.
[Edit] It's a pleasure to meet the actual DrEmpericicsm! Thanks for letting me know about your upcoming Git-Hub updates. I'm very new to 2016 Server coming from a 2012 R2 world. 2016 is very easy to work with! For instance Code: Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender meets my requirements for Defender removal.
I will have to look through those that I have because I made them to fill a request on PowerShellGet's repository and see exactly what they did. Most feature requests did not meddle with the underlying core functionality of the server OS itself. None of them did core component removals, as such a feature was never requested, but I have a few that do that properly, too. And by properly I mean using P/Invoke with Microsoft's actual APIs . Not unhiding a registry key and force removing a handful of packages.
What you're talking about is the correct way to do it. Is this similar/identical to the approach you apply with Optimize-Offline?
The GitHub (script) version of Optimize-Offline does not perform core component removals. The GUI version does. Adding the C# code + wrappers to perform core component removal would require me to convert the primary script into a module and add processing functions as resource cmdlets. I have considered this, but the script version was always meant to be a safer automatic optimization tool, hence why I started the GUI version a while back.
Silly question, I know, but how does one activate Win Server Essentials 2016 with the Microsoft Toolkit? Will the E-Z Activator do it, or do I need to do something on the Product Keys tab first, and then use EZ? I am so confused. Any help would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you!