Just run the iso and do a upgrade. just like how you would upgrade windows 8.1 to 10. (or any windows upgrade for that matter.) I did the same, upgraded 2012 R2 to 2016 and it worked fine. Note: they do give a warning when you try to upgrade your server about technical preview etc and that it should be tested with a clean install. but you can ignore that and upgrade anyway.
Any signs of windows server 2016 5th version or even final ? Greetz base edit : now downloading what seems to be th2 server from TechNet 10586.0.151029-1700.TH2_RELEASE_SERVER_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US_2.ISO Lets see how this runs Lolz NVM it is the th4 version
Ps I'm back on the server 2012 R2 version ! This new version is using too much resources for my system I think it eats up 48 % on the processor and uses up to 2 Gigs of ram
I'm still surprised how fast the TP3 runs on my Intel Celeron J1900 @ 1.99GHz with 8Gb Ram. I have a feeling TP4 would be way slower.
Eagerly awaiting TP5... There is something really fuzzy with administrator privileges on TP4. Unless you run the default administrator account aka "superadmin" a lot of applications does not seem to run as they should. I'm on a separate admin account and I have all kinds of awkward issues all seeming to be related to not getting the correct privileges even though it got admin privileges... Microsoft also need to solve the nonsense that is "UWA" aka "Universal Windows Applications" in Windows Server 2016. With TP4 they have made a lot of these new, "fresh" and somewhat useless new UWA applications the default. Why they insist on doing such a thing in Windows Server is beyond me, but I'll get used to it. But the hilarious thing with TP4 is the fact that you can't run any of these default application using the default administration account. Come on now, really Microsoft? Thats just beyond stupid on every level. Why make Microsoft Edge the default option after installation if it can't be run by the default admin account?
Well, I am remain kept Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise.. Nothing wrong with it.. In face, One my server is still up running windows 2003 Enterprise server is still running.. So, What more I need 2016 or 2012? Little overboard newer one.. Microsoft like to suck $$ out of your pocket!
Q: AppX can't be run by the default admin account of 10586 TP4? A: Enable built-in Administrator to run AppX thru GPedit.
Unfortunately this will pretty much render the whole point with the "superadmin" meaningless. As activating the "User Account Control Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account" option in GPedit pretty much turns the built-in admin account into a regular admin account. Especially on Windows Server that is not something one would really want to do. I can't really understand why Microsoft is not allowing these UWP applications to be run by the built-in admin account to begin with.
Only screenshots and not marked as Technical Preview 5? Even marked as Windows 8 Embedded within winver.exe? Doesn't look that promising..
WZoR: next week I hope will see Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 5, this will be the last public Assembly before final release!
just to be disappointed that they've turned it into the same resource hog that win10 is, especially the crappy ui