I´m absolutely aware of this. Well - for the lxss are cab-Files available. It could be that for the FOD packages also are cabs available. Which I´m able to install in PE. At the moment I´m using cygwin-tools (grep and so on) - but I believe that native is always better, so no big deal if it wont work. But it would be nice.
whats the proper way to enable WSL? simply enable it from windows features? anything else we need to do?
Is there any other news on build 14942 WSL apart from being upgraded to Trusty? I kind of find it to be more stable than previous version.
I upgraded my WSL to xenial by running "sudo do-release-upgrade" ... hopefully it doesn't cause me any issues. Note: When attempting to upgrade another WSL machine, I was missing a bunch of underlying libs. Run the following to install the missing libraries to support the X11 UI. Code: ## Support X11 do-release-upgrade UI sudo apt-get install xorg gksu gir1.2-vte-2.90
The current usermode package is Trusty. If you have an old build, you can run: lxrun /uninstall /y lxrun /install /y This will refresh the rootfs but be aware it will wipe out any packages you installed.
There is a way to change the directory where the Linux subsystem is stored ? I want to move it to another partition.
My intention is to try it on Deepen. I would be creating a GUI(I like the graphic users interface of Deepen, although, being Chinese created distro) using the tools available online.