NewPipe is the new youtube alternative better than youtube venced which you need google services active on Newpipe you don't need it to be able to use it and you can download mp3 from the video Cheers
Most youtube videos contain audio in the form of 128k AAC. Which actually sounds fairly good. AAC is a much newer and more efficient encoder than MP3. Your best bet, in my opinion, is to download the youtube video and then strip the video, leaving the 128k AAC audio stream which you then save as an "*.M4A". Nearly all music players made in the last 10 years will play these "*.M4A" files. If you re-encode from AAC to MP3 you are going to lose quality, no matter what bit rate you choose for the MP3 conversion. Ffmpeg, free software, will do an excellent job of stripping the video. Code: ffmpeg -i "input.file.mp4" -vn -acodec copy -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 "input_file.m4a" -i "input.file.mp4" == the name of the input file, downloaded from youtube or whereever -vn == video no, do not pass through any video streams -map_metadata 0 == pass through any metadata (such as tags) from stream 0 -id3v2_version 3 == save any tags as version 3 of id3v2 "input.file.mp4" == provides a name for the output file On a downloaded youtube video, there won't be any metadata (tags), but it certainly doesn't hurt to pass them through if they do exist. And on the original question, I like and use 4k video downloader.
Why on earth would you want to leave your data online at another company??? Simply use VLC, it works absolutely perfct, fast and easy...
For me the best one is Dentex Youtube Downloader (apkmirror .com/apk/samuele-rini/youtube-downloader/youtube-downloader-7-1-1-release), it can grab all the video and audio streams and merge them, it's easy to use and not intrusive
Jan. 12, 2025 Why is it so hard to download YouTube videos, now??? I tried many websites where I can enter the YouTube video link. -- Y2Mate -- Y2Meta Tube -- SocialPlug ( Sometimes pretty good, but NO AUDIO included ) And more. All of these sites were really good and easy up until after Christmas, 2024!!! It seems that NOT able to download YouTube videos and it's getting harder!!! Merry Christmas, 2024!!! I got a response from "WaveVideo" on Facebook and he said this.... "Our YouTube converter is down. YouTube Converters are currently down, including our free downloader. YouTube made changes that caused issues with third-party apps for downloading. It's not just a problem with Wave. It's a universal issue. Sorry, there is no ETA when our developers will have this resolved." I explained to him detailed. I have Comcast Xfinity as internet server. I have Windows 11 on my Desktop computer. I use Google Chrome as my internet browser. A guy in Grand Pass, Oregon said by e-mail that he doesn't have any problem downloading YouTube videos by using "ClipGrab" downloader tool. I tried his tool on my Desktop computer, that "ClipGrab" tool doesn't work, either!!! It was way easy before Christmas, 2024. I was able to download YouTube videos and any ratio rate format. Such as 1080p 720 ( 16:9 ) Now lately, Y2Mate and Y2Meta Tube offers smaller size videos. Instead of 1080p 720, they offered 680 x 480 ratio rate. And sometimes FAILED when I clicked on "Convert". The guy from "WaveVideo" on Facebook responded this... "Thanks for your input. Our free YouTube download tool is not included in any of our Plans. When it is functioning, anyone can use it free of charge. The YouTube download tool just isn't a priority for our developers, who continue to improve tools and features paid for by our subscribers. Thanks for your understanding." Does anyone here knows what's going on since after Christmas, 2024??? This is very frustrating now. Does anyone here knows how to get around this year 2025??? Thanks for reading my thread. Hope all helps with answers. Happy New Year, 2025. Let's hope to make it better this year!! Eugene
I'm using "Internet Download Accelerator" from Westbyte. I start using this from 2009 with my own license. You can download YouTube videos and choose what quality prefer. Also can download videos from a variety of sources like Facebook and Vimeo for example and many more. There are many other features like increasing the speed of file download from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and BitTorrent protocols. After so many years of using this I can say it deserve a try.
i ain't talkin about youtube now, but, i have this plugin, FetchV, which deal with it by playing the file, and save the data later. i hope they will support youtube too. Spoiler
January 16, 2025 Hi guys, Thanks for your response. I didn't catch it in time and didn't know it was responded on Monday January 13th. Happy New Year1!! Thanks for the links info. However, I also ran into another problem beside downloading YouTube videos. Regardless which sites I downloaded from. Do anyone know what tool I need to check IF the MP4 video is DRM?!! Dammit!!! DRM, I forgot all about that for years!!! Anyone knows how to check IF the downloaded video is DRM??? Thanks, Eugene Cruznpc77