I noticed that Dism++ edited WinPE wim (Win 10) with max compression results in boot error ie 0xc000225 Same wim edited with just dism results in perfectly bootable wim
Doesn't dism++ use the recovery compression (same as esd) by default, but saves it as .wim instead of .esd?
Changelogs for version Dism++ 20:39 2016/12/12 【Dism++(x86/x64).exe Ver】 1: Fixed BUG, some of the program interface descriptions of a problem (thanks tomorrow) 2: NEW features, added support for Windows 10 segment ESD image, ---currently only supports the release image, can not transfer ISO (Thanks Yamagata for providing segmented ESD images) 3: Fixed BUG, operation is completed after the restart invalid (thanks to Space Tomato) 4: Fixed BUG, Dism ++ can not open the VM mapping partition problem (thanks to the original sin) 5: Fixed BUG, swm file can not be released (thanks to TIELBB) 6: behavior adjustment, metadata update frequency is adjusted to real-time [CbsHost.dll Ver] 1: behavior adjustment, driver clean-up Exclude key drivers (thanks to out of control) [Multi-language update] 1: Thanks Tomorrow, Franz, Hexhu, Eddy Bear!
Question: Does this Dism++ utility hav the ability to capture data from more than one partition when creating .WIM? I use a tutorial to move my \Users tree to a second HD (for a few different reasons) and then from thre, I move the special folders (Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures & Videos) to a third HD (for other reasons). I want to be able to make .ISOs of my installed system + apps + user accoutns and such so that it can be esily restored including hte moved \Users tree as well as the moved special folders. Currently, it is failing with native WinX Dism utility because it only capturs a single partition.
It seems that Dism++ don't have the ability to capture data from more than one partition. Because DISM++, MS DISM, and MS ImageX are using MS WIMGAPI to operate WIM or ESD files
Correct! i have Firefox 50.1.0 and i was accessing to it it's not accessible via other browsers too as i said above, it's a certificate problem