You need to find this file in the old releases in GitHub releases. mingkuang told me he doesn't want to release new today because he is busy fixing bugs in VC-LTL, the open source modified MSVC runtime which can make developers link their binaries to msvcrt.dll or ucrtbase.dll with using the latest stable version of MSVC toolchain (for example, the 14.29.30133) and modern STL features (for example, C++17, even C++20). VC-LTL is also used in NSudo, NSudo is the first third-party project which using the VC-LTL officially. NSudo 9.0 Preview 1 is released much earlier than the plan because I need to provide testing information for the next major update of VC-LTL. So NSudo 9.0 Preview 1 is the first project use the VC-LTL 5.0 to compile. Note: DISM++ is the first project which is using VC-LTL to compile, since the MSVC 2013 era with the prototype version of VC-LTL. Kenji Mouri
hi maybe someone could help ? did wim backup using latest dism++, windows 11 now trying to restore it but getting error "sorry, failed to configure environment at the moment, Please perform this task in WinPE. tried to place cab files in Dism++ config folder, i downloaded from Dism++ github repistory, still no go. any advice ?
the best thing i like about dism++ is how easy is to make wim copy of the running system and ease of restoring it.