is there an 'official' english changelog available? there was an update to and then also i get an error 403 visiting the official website and an an error calling the onlinehelp
PS: 我不擅长英语语法,所以下面我提供原文和译文。 PS:I'm not good at English grammar, So I provide the original text and translated text. 官网在ICP备案中.(请等待……) The offical website is in the ICP filing.(Please wait...) 我直接把10.1.21.1改为10.1.21B是因为10.1.21B只修改了UI文件。 I modify to directly because only fix the UI file. (看来这不合适,抱歉) (Maybe it is not suitable.I am sorry.) 我曾经自己翻译过,但是许多人只看Google翻译结果。 I used to translate by myself, but many people view the results of Google translation. 也许是我翻译的有问题,所以提供原文比较好。 Maybe my translation has some problems, so it is better to provide the original text. 毛利 Mouri_Naruto
@Mouri Naruto I admire your big effort trying translate this good tool to English; in reality that interest is that tool works fine don't worries dude anyway
What does this mean? I get on every start of dism++ hxxps:// and this is new since today: hxxps:// Can anyone translate please?
The first one says: "The function has been blocked by the security software in this computer, error code: 0x00000001. But this does not affect the core functions of the program, you can continue to run." The second one says: "Dism official website has been successfully recorded, the visit has been initially restored" whatever that means
Every website which the server in China need a ICP filling. But today Chuyu Team has got the ICP filling. So we can browse the Chuyu Team's website
Thank you. But it failed: It is the same situation as when dism /apply a UUP image without reference parameter: Code: C:\windows\system32>dism /apply-image /imagefile:D:\decrypt-multi-release\UUPs\Professional_zh-tw.esd /index:3 /applydir:L: 部署映像服務與管理工具版本: 10.0.14393.0 正在套用映像 [===========================90.0%==================== ] 錯誤: 1812 指定的映像檔不包含資源區段。 在 C:\windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log 中可找到 DISM 記錄檔C:\windows\system32>