If you are talking about which dependencies will be installed alongside an application, the program will just print the names of the dependency files specified - it will not download them.
What method are you using for saving the settings: the file (settings.ini) or the registry? Do note that saving to the registry requires the program to be installed
I'm using the installed version. I can't tell where the program saving the configurations, I didn't track the access. Print the name like ? for me to manually download and add them to the image ?
You can view which setting save method is used by going to Tools > Options. And, unfortunately, you need to download the dependencies manually. Let's say you have a dependency file called "dep1.appx". The program will output (print) that name to the log window (which can be shown by clicking "Show log")
Alright, so I finally got around trying the Dism tool. Export image feature did nothing for me, I click it, nothing happens. The main page, no options apart from "Mount image" were activated after mounting image. Maybe this has something to do with invalid settings? Lastly, Couldn't find commit and capture commands. In the end, had to service the image through command line Dism.
This program is not yet complete, so a couple of tasks are missing. They'll come, however, in future versions If you experience that issue, reloading the project will fix it. This only happens if the background processes don't start after mounting an image. A cause for that issue is still being investigated The mentioned tasks can be found in the Commands > Image management menu. The in-progress help system should fix that confusion soon
Coming in version 0.3.3: French translations! Now, this translation isn't complete, and you shouldn't use it just yet. I have to apply translations in more than 500 Case statements, so this will take some time. Also, translations may not be accurate, as I'm using DeepL for this (I know a little bit of French, but not much)
how to put it in French in my language I am looking for an option personalist no French language only English spanish
No big deal, sir I understand thank you for your work it's a preview it's for trying dismtools and well but I not all the options in command when I want to capture c: na m displays no window I will wait for your stable version