This script won't work on win 10 home china edition( edition ID: CoreCountrySpecific, name: windows 10 home china):, is a there some solution, how to make it work or some advice how to change language without reinstalling windows?
I remember having an issue on a Microsoft Surface laptop, that had originally Japanese language, and I tried the windows update to changes the language to spanish or even english and that wasn't allowing me to do anything, I was wondering if its there a way to hack a Surface Laptop by microsoft in order to install a full Windows System in any language?
abbodi1406 I install in windows 10 pro 21h2 converted esd, it writes that the file is corrupted which I converted. Downloaded from
abbodi1406 Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package_ru-ru~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ru-ru~.esd 25mb example to rename Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package_ru-amd64.esd for windows 10 pro 21h2 en
I don't get your issue the cab file is corrupted after conversion? or the esd file? why to convert it? DisplayLanguageSwitcher.cmd support both
New abbodi1406 Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package_ru-ru~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ru-ru~.esd 25mb example to rename Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package_ru-amd64.esd for windows 10 pro 21h2 en pffffffff
abbodi1406 When installing the converted esd file in cab, lpksetup writes in windows 10 21h2 pro that the *.cab language file is corrupted. Converted several times with ESD2CAB-CAB2ESD