DMCA Complaint against my IP

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by ian82, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. ultimate_live

    ultimate_live MDL Expert

    Mar 15, 2011
    And when people download movies (no porn) not with p2p, but through storage websites ,like uploaded, 4shared and others without any VPN ?
  2. ian82

    ian82 MDL Expert

    Mar 7, 2012
    Hmmm even as you suggested SecurityKISS I contacted asking them about their TOS for downloading torrents but got this:

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  3. ian82

    ian82 MDL Expert

    Mar 7, 2012
    so this kills all the fun in the internet! what am I gonna do with my 20 MBPS connection if I can't download freely! I hate what the internet has become these days! been downloading s**t since 14 years and only today did this come to my attention that one can be sued for sharing or downloading crap
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  4. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    It is VERY rare I cannot find something I am looking for and I download FREELY daily, your issue is your UPLOADING to others not your DOWNLOADING. I must commend you for at least seeding after your downloads have finished, whether you actually know it or not heh.

    Alternative methods of download are available. You make it sound like the sky is falling. I have terabytes upon terabytes of data that I gather -although I usually end up deleting most - but none of which are from torrents. Not that there isn't additional data downloaded from torrents as well lol
  5. bonyjose

    bonyjose MDL Novice

    Jan 12, 2013
    i suggest you buy aa plan from this website if you really can't live without torrent..

    have used their free plan for like more than 1 years,now they have paid plans and it's really secure way to download illegal files(including porn :p) ...try it out..what they do is,leetch torrents into their servers and give you direct link to files from their servers,so no need to worry i guess,correct me if i'm wrong mod..
  6. Mutagen

    Mutagen MDL Addicted

    Feb 18, 2013
    I have always wondered if the VPN services, free or paid, really hid one's activities. Ultimately, that TCP/IP packet ends up on your computer. And someone (or perhaps more), somewhere knows the exact path that packet took. Seems the only real way to hide yourself is to not be yourself - use grandma's computer, hack into neighbor's WiFi, etc.

    Years ago I received a DMCA violation notice from my ISP. I was sharing a popular DVD Authoring program via BearShare. I don't recall the exact wording, but it pretty much came to: "If the sharing stops now and there are no more complaints from the copyright holder, no action will be taken." I didn't need to read further.

    But worse still was the fact that I was sharing a ton of stuff on my own web server, using and something like AllMyStuffForFree in the link. Although there was no complaint about that activity, I didn't know what or when my ISP was monitoring me, so I stopped everything. None of my "clients" were going to help me if I got in a jam. Besides, there were plenty of other sites available.

    RJARRRPCGP MDL Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2010
    #27 RJARRRPCGP, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2014
    In USA, downloading alone is not criminal copyright infringement, (at least it's not so easy to charge a downloader) even if the RIAA and MPAA claims downloading alone being a crime...

    I cannot confirm anyone getting sued and a judgement over a download alone at this time.

    All the cases I heard, had a collection of files wide open. In those cases, files were being shared.

    And at this time, porn movies are the most dangerous. Because of copyright trolls being reported lately.

    And at least in and around 2005, it was most likely a bot that connected to your computer and saw a shared file.
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  8. CorporateRAT

    CorporateRAT MDL Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    Use private trackers with protocol encryption. EZPZ
  9. rami7250

    rami7250 MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2014
    That happens when someone complains about you. Use proxy