Do you pirate games?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by TKnuckles, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. pcnavarra

    pcnavarra MDL Senior Member

    Nov 13, 2017
    Since i bought my commodore 64 i never stopped :tooth:
  2. toyo

    toyo MDL Senior Member

    Aug 14, 2009
    #42 toyo, May 4, 2018
    Last edited: May 20, 2018
    Kinda the same.

    My first ever experience was meeting (Real Life!) in front of a local church (with my mom as a bodyguard) with a guy that I found on a local newspaper ad. We talked on the phone, and each enumerated their game collection. After that, we set up a meeting spot/date - took our cassette tapes with us, and voila! Swapping was performed. Not much later, I was swapping 5.25" diskettes, then 3.5" diskettes - but this time for the new Amiga 500. ALL were infected - no exception. But I didn't have a harddrive so who cared! I played Monkey Island 2 from no less than 11 diskettes, swapping as the game required me to. And it was better than any current games, for me as a kid.

    As for nowadays, yeah, I pirate games, not all. I have stuff like Diablo 3, Overwatch, WoW and Destiny 2 bought cause they're online only. No longer playing any of them. I have AC:Origins too, cause I like Egypt. Witcher 3 cause CD Project RED deserves it.

    But I'm not gonna pay for things like Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Come Deliverance or Far Cry 5 that I basically use as benchmarks. Or for Divinity Original Sin 2, which I knew from the start it would annoy me with game design decisions, but still wanted to see how it runs - and then ditch it. Or DOOM when I know I only wanted to see Vulkan on my GPU and that I'd be bored in a day.

    I'll buy Cyberpunk when it comes out. Other than that no, screw the current gaming market, I'll save that money towards a beefier PC. I don't care about the devs, their kids and the publishers, they are FAR richer than I am, and they'll manage just like I do. They make ENOUGH. If they don't, stop doing it, no worries, this is the Internet, if your gaming company dies, another will replace you.

    Gamers will be fine.
  3. browneylad

    browneylad MDL Member

    Sep 26, 2017
    Don't play games anymore, now that I can afford to buy so any game needed(my wife plays on her PS4) I buy for her. Its far easier now with so many online stores & year round discounts etc. This was not the case here when I was game addict back during school days.
  4. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    Sometimes... A game that comes out that I am not sure on and it's available for the PC/Xbox/PS4, etc. I'll download the game, play it for a few hours, if I enjoy it, 95% of the time I will go out and buy it(or wait till it's discounted on ebay or something).

    A demo that is offered is normally very short, I want to experience the game to see if I really want to go on that quest or not.
  5. Yetanotherrandom

    Yetanotherrandom MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2017
    Been a pirate since i was a kid in the 80's but Steam and gog made me a legit player and yes I got too many games that I have not played because sales :D Anyways. I don't play many games these days. I play one mmo and sometimes the odd singleplayer or atm. Vermintide 2.
  6. totalbeliever

    totalbeliever MDL Junior Member

    Oct 22, 2015
    No, I don't pirate games. In my opinion, if I can't afford to pay for a game and so I'll rather not play.
  7. ortimus

    ortimus MDL Novice

    Mar 13, 2018
    Not anymore.
    i hv monthy budget for games now :)
  8. Verter

    Verter MDL Novice

    May 14, 2018
    Continental freedom of restrictions make it easier nowadays!
  9. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    No. Solitaire is free.
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  10. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    Do you pirate games? No, I'm too old to play such a games.
    I only play sometimes a pocket-billiard with two balls and it's also free for me.
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  11. fabre gastro

    fabre gastro MDL Junior Member

    May 29, 2018
    yes for others, on windows machines.
    i am a linux/bsd user. the trouble/effort i need to uptake for the same game to work in linux/bsd itself is a game.
    So if trying to make a game work in linux is a game then i am pretty much the best gamer. i can make all the games go past the first display/welcome screen and then loose all interest.
  12. Dude Guyman

    Dude Guyman MDL Senior Member

    Jun 20, 2017
    #52 Dude Guyman, Jun 3, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2024
    Do I pirate? Kind of.

    There has not been anything come out in the last ~8+ years worth buying or even pirating. A bunch of DRM and micro transaction infected, short, little, quicktime event, crap on rails, rehashes of the same garbage games over and over and over. Most so buggy and poorly optimized I don't even consider them 'playable'. That said, I do 'demo' one from time to time if they seem like they may be worth buying. If they are, and they are not $59.99 (F#%$ that!) I buy them.

    Last decent game I bought was Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, because it was something different, but that was bugged as all Hell too. Before that....I can't even remember. Just Cause 2?

    Edit 2024: ...aaaand Hellblade 2 came out for $59.99, and proved exactly why I "demo" them first! What a downgraded, even shorter, stinker of a walking simulator, piece of trash. 7 years and $60? For a 4 hour tech demo? #!$$ my @$$.
  13. bigarte

    bigarte MDL Novice

    Jul 4, 2012
    No...don't have time for gaming.
  14. R3DIANCE

    R3DIANCE MDL Novice

    Jun 6, 2018
    Only single-player game types.
  15. Gravatio

    Gravatio MDL Novice

    Jul 21, 2018
    One of the only games i play is WoW which is subscription based, so i don't really have a choice but to pay.
    But besides WoW i like to give a couple of indie games a shot, which i usually find on steam, so I usually watch a couple of videos of gameplay and if it seems interesting i'll buy it, not only because i want to support whoever made the game, but also because for some weird reason, i feel like i enjoy the game much more when i pay for it!
    I did, although, pirate a couple of games like GTA:SA and Minecraft (lol) but that was years ago.
  16. 8907654738

    8907654738 MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2018
    Unfortunately I've pirated a few just to try them out...
  17. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    unfortunately? we all may behave here like the best boys in class, but that is only varnish, i suppose.;)
    you seem to deplore trying games out?:confused:
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  18. 8907654738

    8907654738 MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2018
    Yes, I say unfortunately because as I haven't paid for them I feel really bad when I play them, kinda guilty. :(
  19. machao_mengqi

    machao_mengqi MDL Novice

    Dec 12, 2017
    Yes, anytime I need working crack or good repack. For example Dynasty warriors 8 with DLC.
  20. Satheesh Kumar

    Satheesh Kumar MDL Novice

    Oct 11, 2017
    Too expensive compared to other regions. Hence, I pirate.