Do you think a wall on the border with Mexico can stop the immigrants?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Katzenfreund, Jan 26, 2017.

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Will the wall be effective against illegal immigrants?

  1. Yes, the wall will be largely effective

    15 vote(s)
  2. It will only have a small effect not worth the cost

    18 vote(s)
  3. No, it will be a monumental failure

    17 vote(s)
  1. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    No companies will move jobs to countries with no tariffs. Trump will be voted out of office before what you say happens, and we will once again get back on track to free trade and open borders. Then our country will truly become great.
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  2. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015

    Thanks, I needed that. :D
  3. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    #23 Joe C, Jan 27, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2017
    Quite simple business, build it where it is cheapest to make, Ford, GM or anybody else that manufactures will find the cheapest method and if that method ends up here in the U.S. so be it, but we will pay higher prices for those tariffs temporarily, but in the long run U.S. citizens will benefit from it
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  4. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    The problem with that dhj, is that the U.S. is a major world wide consumer, free trade only hurts us because forced labor in China can make it cheaper. If we have a level playing field, it will increase U.S. manufacturing production = jobs
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  5. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    U.S. job growth will be in other areas, but not manufacturing. We are done with that.
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  6. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    well I already tell that when this man achieve the most important position in the world bad things can happen now is only seeing is believing ;)
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  7. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    been there and tried that..... It Doesn't Work, unless you consider flipping burgers a career. We need Manufacturing Jobs here in the U.S.
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  8. Katzenfreund

    Katzenfreund MDL Expert

    Jul 15, 2016
    Just a few methods of getting past the wall:

    Underground tunnel
    Overhead flying (drones, balloons, makeshift flying devices)
    Scaling it with ladders – barbed wire can be covered with blankets etc
    Gradually and softly boring a hole thru it
    I even envisage blowing with explosives an opening at an unattended stretch. By the time the guards arrive, the immigrants will have passed thru and disappeared
    Getting round it by sea.

    All the above can be facilitated by causing false alarms and diversions elsewhere.

    I’m sure the Mexicans (and you) can think of a lot more.
  9. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @dhjohns: And what "Other areas" would that be? The Food Service Industry? Janitorial Industry??

    You have said some delusional things in the past bro, but this one takes the cake. :eek:

    What this country needs -IS- manufacturing. We need to be taken back from a service-oriented economy to a production oriented economy. Our children need to be taught the value of a trade, and how to use their hands for other than fighting and masturbation.

    No offense, but that mindset is obsolete. We need to retool America, so that people can start building things again.
    So that the next generation of Americans don't end up as couch potatoes.
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  10. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    Hi. Just a gentle reminder to keep things friendly here . I understand that members will have strong views on this subject. I moved this to "serious discussion" in the hope that it stays just that. Let's not have a flame war. ;)
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  11. MrMagic

    MrMagic MDL Guru

    Feb 13, 2012
    Did the Berlin wall work?
  12. Katzenfreund

    Katzenfreund MDL Expert

    Jul 15, 2016
    In theory, Trump can make Mexico pay for the wall by imposing taxes on imports from it and on American companies manufacturing there.

    The point is that America wasn’t doing a favor to Mexico before by its current taxation policies. It’s what suited American manufacturers and consumers, kept prices low, while ensuring correspondingly low taxes on American exports to Mexico. Also competitively priced products by American companies for exporting to the rest of the world.

    So changing such policies light-heartedly, might harm America as much as it harms Mexico. Furthermore, it could turn American manufacturers against Trump, and they were funding him. Lastly, if it leads to higher prices, it could also turn consumer voters against him.

    Now, I’m not saying that his proposed measures are necessarily wrong, only that these matters can be complex and need careful study before taking drastic action.
  13. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @alextheg: My feelings are very strong about this. I have watched my country go from a prosperous, technology oriented country to a nation of food servers and lazy video gamers. Our youth learns from our lessons and our examples.

    If we start manufacturing in the USA again, perhaps we can remove the temptation in other countries to exploit their people and to pollute their own land to the point of uninhabitability. And that affects the world.

    Before we can give other people help and advice, we need to evaluate ourselves.

    We need to make sure that we are doing the right thing, and that we're assuring ourselves a legacy of responsibility
    and stewardship of the earth. Not to mention the ability to reconstruct society should the need arise.

    It bothers me when I encounter people who can't understand that simple fact. If you're an alcoholic or a drug addict and your actions are hurting yourself and / or hurting others, if you think that you can continue that lifestyle, then you are delusional and entertaining delusional, destructive thoughts.

    So, my statement was not derogatory. It was simply brutal candor.

    This was eloquently said by Dorothy Law Nolte

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  14. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    Sorry you disagree. I have never said anything delusional. In a free society industry moves to where products can be produced to maximize profit. We are a very diverse nation, and we have companies which are free to do as they wish. Any company will want to produce its products cheaply, and efficiently. If that means producing them overseas, so be it. This has been occurring for hundreds of years. We can not stop it. Our nation continues to grow, and we grow into areas in which we can produce better, and more efficiently than other countries. Technology is one of those areas. We are not going to bring back steel production, etc to the U.S. It just is not going to happen. Sorry. We need to continue to grow, and this is not an area of growth for us. Just so long as we keep our borders open to trade, and immigration we will do well. Protectionism will lead to economic collapse, war, and devastation.
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  15. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @dhjohns: Once again. I beg to differ with you. Our youth needs to be taught the value of craftsmanshp and self-reliance. Not dependence on others to do what they themselves can easily do.

    Our current society discourages young Americans from pursuing technical and vocational trades.We need to produce more engineers and scientists. We already have too many lawyers and Business / marketing people.

    And therein lies the problem. Big business has polluted the land and robbed the people of their health. Too many times have I seen big businesses try to strong-arm the government by threatening to move their businesses offshore.

    And that's fine. If you want to do that, then go start your business overseas. Don't start it here on the backs of hard working Americans who become dependent on you for jobs to support their families.

    Oh yes we can. We can put tariffs on imports and regulate offshore trade. And if we want to stop the hemorrhaging of our economy, we have no choice but to do exactly that.

    Not to mention applying Capital Gains tax on monies sent to other countries.

    I agree, but I disagree. We will never do it on that grand of a scale, but the techniques will live on and should be passed down to those who can do it.

    I'll explain.

    I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn New York. I have seen an influx of artisans and crafts persons who favor hand crafted goods over mass-produced goods. People with a little bit of money are setting up forges, kilns and micro-factories here.

    They're not trying to produce 10,000 pieces per month. It's not about the money. They simply want to survive and carry on their legacy. And they teach others how to do what they do. I am one of these people. I build custom guitar pedals and guitar amps, as well as other electronic devices by hand.

    Here's an example of my work. Here's the top of the pedal.

    And here's the bottom.

    Being open to trade is one thing. Allowing ourselves to be fleeced and have our own economy undermined is another.

    As long as it's -LEGAL- immigration. Try to sneak into another country and see what happens to you.

    One man's "Protectionism" is another man's economic sense.
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  16. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    I do not agree with much you say. I believe you have been severely mislead by FoxNews (whatever that is.) Only through open immigration, and free trade can this country continue to thrive. Every time we have had protectionist policies we have invited economic collapse. Free trade, open borders, and open immigration have ALWAYS been the keys to success. Any thought or action otherwise is tantamount to disaster.
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  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Personal opinions:

    1. As a Mexican, I feel very very ashamed for Mexican compatriots to go there, the States, crossing borders in a illegal way. This is no good, again illegal, and from any point of view nobody wants to see people trespassing their backyard and settle down. And this is a very rudimentary analogy, I know.

    2. Lately I've been thinking Mexicans needs education and an integral transformation of society to deal with our own problems without disturbing and trespassing to our neighbors' soil. Will that transformation happen? I don't know, actually I don't think so because of the millions in here which are illiterate, ignorant and just living to bother and screw each other. I am Mexican and know what I'm talking about.
  18. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @dhjohns: I don't really follow main stream media, so I don't get the Fox News reference. And who said anything about closing the borders? Or preventing people from Immigrating to this country legally?

    I never said that, nor did I imply it. You misinterpreted my words and assumed that I was an isolationist.

    I am Pro-Humanity, but I'm also pro-American. And that's because I'm an American.
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  19. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    I am pro-World. I am also pro American. Also, I am realistic, and want the best for my country which is exactly why I have the views I have. In order to have legal immigration we need to make immigration legal. All of it.
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  20. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Mr.X: That's the truth. I've seen good and bad of -all- kinds. Not just people from other countries.

    @Mr.X: All they need is a chance, and to be treated fairly. I know many Mexicans here, who are incredibly skilled at their respective crafts. I'm also bi-lingual (as you already know)

    On my end, there is a project in concept stages that addresses what you said. I'm on the advisory committee and can not say much more about it.

    If you want to know more, We can discuss it in PM and on qTox. I would welcome your input. :)
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