Do you think a wall on the border with Mexico can stop the immigrants?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Katzenfreund, Jan 26, 2017.

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Will the wall be effective against illegal immigrants?

  1. Yes, the wall will be largely effective

    15 vote(s)
  2. It will only have a small effect not worth the cost

    18 vote(s)
  3. No, it will be a monumental failure

    17 vote(s)
  1. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    I hate to disturb you, but Immigration has Always Been Legal. If anybody from any country (not just Mexico) comes here secretly without a Pass Port and going through proper channels then they are Illegally Here and should be Deported
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  2. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    And I am saying they should not.
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  3. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    So by your comment it's o.k. that some strangers from North Korea, or ISIS come here undetected and go about doing whatever they think they want to do?
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  4. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    That is your comment. We do not have that problem. I am not speaking of entering with no verification. I am speaking of open immigration after filling out proper paperwork, and background checks. Currently we have set limits on the amount of people from specific countries which can immigrate to the U.S. These limits are far less than the amount who want to enter, and the amount that we need to enter. Immigration, whether legal or illegal is a benefit to our economy, and can not be ignored.
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  5. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    Do you mean this?

    And then there's this.,_and_Immigration_Modernization_Act_of_2013
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  6. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    Yes. We allow far too few immigrants to come into this country legally. What we can do is devise some sort of guest worker program. If a person comes into this country undocumented, then there really is no way to keep track of that person. If we allow for proper documentation, then it is much better for all involved. The individual has legal status, and with legal status comes tractability just like anyone else. He would not be "under the radar" so to speak. Meanwhile I am getting ready for next build! :clap:

    By the way. I have had the experience of working in a foreign country on a tourist visa. It really isn't all fun and games.
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  7. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    So we should attempt to stop people from illegally entering this country and send them back if they are illegal immigrants, maybe even put things in place at our borders to prevent illegal entry
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  8. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    Absolutely not.
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  9. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    I see.... all very clear now

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  10. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    „What I'm saying is that a wall like that is a monstrosity which is not really necessary.”

    That maybe so indeed, I prefer such action to actions of President who was given a Peace Nobel Prize und on his last days in office was still bombing seven countries.
    I am someone who most certainly is for the right of every human to better his life, that includes getting himself to the USA if had the bad luck to be born in Mexico.
    If that is a wall you consider a monstrosity, a wall where people cross a border to survive, can you show us a comment where we can see what you consider the Israeli Wall, which prevents people from actually reaching their own land?

    “The question is: Who will benefit?”

    Of course that is true, and your doubts are more than just justified. But as you can see, just in a few days he has created quite a few jobs for Americans. If that is good or makes things worse is not the question for him, he is only the Pres of the USA. He maybe a clown, but he is in his own way sincere, and I respect that. Especially when looking at the rst of the politicians worldwide…
    So you not misunderstand me and take me for a fan of his, I find some of his appointments more the just a bit scary. Does that clarify it a little?

    (As for your last sentence: “NO. ILLEGAL immigrants will -NOT- be allowed to work. This is how companies can profiteer and take advantage of them.”
    In the comment I answered that you had accidently written LEGAL and not illegal… "All legal Immigrants should be allowed to work." )
  11. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    Of all the stupid comments this is the best one...
  12. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    The world economy is not a fixed machine. The truth is "First In, First out", that will get you the profit. Right now Trump and May are talking, their economies are too big to ignore. There will be a wave of isolationism and protectionism following.
    But the ones who truly profit from these measures, will only be the first ones in. It will hit export nations, and the more stupid their leaders, the more expensive the bill will be in the end. So, Good luck, Germany!
    Once trade starts slowing down too much, you start the circle again. A probably right now coming US & UK agreement will have expensive consequences for the rest of the industrial world, and be great for these two.
  13. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    138 died trying to cross it... ask them.
    The DDR was another kind of criminal system, it did not allow freedom, no life at all. I would have risked my life to get out of there.
    From Mexico to the US you go, to have a better life. Make it more difficult, it will reduce numbers, and prices go up.

    Why does everyone only talk about that wall? I saw a report about several other changes coming in that area..
    It's not just the wall.
  14. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    Thank you, that helps to understand your position. It is what a normal person would think....
  15. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    Lets face a few facts here, yes?
    In the last half year I have read books on Chiapas, Sianola and one by a woman in a mexican jail. The jail had been turned over by the state to the cartel, and her family had to come up with $500 a months to prevent her from being murdered (instead of just used as a free whore), as they refuse to feed and keep anyone alive who does make a profit.. IN JAIL!

    Your country is a failed state.. it is a very, very bad joke!

    To any sane person who had the bad luck being born there I say:

    "May whatever God you believe in help you get across that border in the north safely!"
  16. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    #56 JFKI, Jan 28, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

  17. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    One should go and see a doctor if one finds anything in ANY of my posts that would call any "ethnicity a joke".

    You just want to wime and complain and blame others, fine with me...
  18. PointZero

    PointZero MDL Member

    Oct 5, 2011
  19. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    What the hell you are talking about?
    I didn't say you mentioned that in your posts. I did. So what.
  20. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Mr.X: El no tiene pelo en Lengua. :D
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