Confusing The current Sevice Pack Build 16384 contains a file <install.wim>win32kbase.sys 10.0.10240.16487 (th1.150901-1507) KB3081455 September 8 10.0.10240.16485 KB3095020 September 15 10.0.10240.16498 The media creation tool distributes 150901 updates.
Because the build is still 10240.16384, it's not a new delta the updated files doesn't neccessary affect install.wim version
Build 10240.16393 = Build 10240.16384 + KB3081452 + Cumulative Update KB3081455 (i.e. NOT full 16393) If you want a full build, for examples: The leaked 10240.16425.150802-1600.TH1_CLIENTPRO-CORE_OEMRET_X64FRE_ZH-CN.ISO - This is full 10240.16425. Or full 10547