Being new with server editions, which one of these is the best as desktop OS en_windows_server_2016_x64_dvd_9327751.iso en_windows_server_2016_essentials_x64_dvd_9327792 SW_DVD9_Win_Svr_STD_Core_and_DataCtr_Core_2016_64Bit_English_-2_MLF_X21-22843.iso
Symantec prompted me that some system file had changed but when I looked at the details it was asking me to allow it to communicate to Creepy.
you got something in your mother board which is known as intel management engine if its intel cpu/mobo or psp in amd mobo/board. you may disable all the telemetry bulls**t inside the OS but how will you disable the IME or PSP, its tied to the north bridge, and now that intel and amd installed, all the hard work of you disabling blah this blah that is useless unless you disable intel ME and or amd psp before you even think of privacy and what not et al? these things were previously in the ICH then they moved to PCH and now inside the CPU, with these there whats the use of even disabling all those added features to let MS and other three lettered agencies know you are no threat to them, and also get yourself profiled. What rubbish, i say we enable all telemetry and everything related to surveillance and be safe and never harassed, because we can not disable IME and PSP anyways in all modern cpus/mobos past 2008, besides you are safe with these on aren't you?
You confuse telemetry with spying, spying will be done regardless of what OS you run and none here probably would be a real target for any of the secret services..
you need an oscilloscope to know if you are receiving silent packets which no software can detect. Perhaps the oscilloscope is the only way to be sure if you are being spied upon or not. i didnt speak about just spying. i was speaking against intel being an "A.S.S.H.O.L.E." (I need to bold it in red, but never mind i will not waste my time on intel) for using IME or intel management engine or intel mismanagement engine. if the keys are ever compromised we are screwed, because we can't replace the PCH its integrated into the northbridge. shyte! and lastly how do you know your bios is not retrofitted with a rootkit by the OEM/ODM? there is/are no fool proof method to verify or validate. the best method is to stay alert and remain calm perhaps. and to spy you or not is not my issue. its my privacy which is my issue. its my basic human right god damn it, and thanks to MS and Apple we users are not owner of our own digital privacy. period, privacy period.
Whatever dosage you're on, you might want to up it. Considerably. "Silent packets"? This is COMPUTING. It relies on MATHS and PHYSICS. It is knowable and that kind of conspraicy fantasy bulls**t has no place within it.
use your favorite search engine to look for silent bob is really silent. i never said anything against computer science has nothing to do with MATHS and PHYSICS, have you read the post where i mentioned the word "OSCILLOSCOPE", by comparison its like the ECG machine, which records your heart condition. are you from medicine discipline. they are normally high on crack cocaine and heroin. OSCILLOSCOPE is used to detect the state of energy, using a sine curve mostly. its used to detect if electrons are in excited state or not. thats point one. and second point. ever heard of DPA aka differential power analysis? its based on the same oscilloscope which can be used to sniff your password even without hacking into your network or any spy tool. hence air gap or faraday cage computing. and by the way there are proven methods of using this same state to do silent passive surveillance. there is a paper by some israeli scientists who sniffed the gpg key using a high gain studio microphone and feed it to your PC this record the states high and low to record your gpg passphrase, a simple cheap diy poor mans oscilloscope to read your passphrase sitting 20 odd meters away from you. i wonder what an expensive high gain directional microphone can do.... that answer makes me guess you must be a doctor. more or less a witch doctor. wink! your turn, stage is yours ma'am/sir, defense rests your honor. p.s. if you must really want to be more curious try umtrx its an odd 1100 US$ hardware, with a cool fpga which can pretty much do what i said before..... just it can also apart from doing that also set up your own 2/3/4/5g gsm network and a bts..... hmmmm you need to upgrade your info database its outdated and rusted i assume. wink!
I’d like to see such lists for Adobe, too, and Quark, and Nikon and Canon, and Autodesk, and… period. Let’s block the entire WWW! “host” file in Windows lives in “%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc” directory.