none from me. The release that was put in this thread was a PE disc. I am not sure if a true ARM installer for 10 has been released.
I've tried modifying the Windows 10 IoT Core arm32 image but it doesnt boot further past reading the thumbdrive. The furthest I got with with the original image posted here and cannot find any update to that image.
Can you upload the contents from your 8.1 rt recovery usb stick onto a megacloud or google drive for me to copy? I want to test an old beta developers copy of windows 10image I got a long time ago from microsoft that I kept. Want to see if that makes a difference.
There are no separate downloads for drivers of Surface 2, the only way to get firmware and new drivers is through Windows Update. You can extract the currently installed drivers on your Surface 2 using DISM Open command prompt (be sure to use admin rights) and use the commands below List Drivers Code: dism /online /get-drivers /all /format:table > C:\DriverLog.txt Extract Drivers Code: dism /online /export-driver /destination:C:\Drivers
Well I only own one and I have already wiped it without extracting the drivers, if I only I can get the wireless working I believe others will be a piece of cake. If you have a surface 2 extracted driver pls upload and help me with the link
Sadly I don't own a Surface 2, though did own a Surface RT, but sold that some years ago. As I said, just install the drivers using Windows Update and all should work.
Hi , I have a Nokia Lumia 2520 device , and I want to know that how to unlock the Secure Boot ? Thanks !
Do you have Windows Update Autoupdating disabled by this:? Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update] "AUOptions"=dword:00000001 "CachedAUOptions"=dword:00000001 "ElevateNonAdmins"=dword:00000001 "ForcedReboot"=dword:00000002 "IncludeRecommendedUpdates"=dword:00000001
¿Alguien ha logrado ejecutar Windows 10 ARM32 PE en Surface RT? Lo he instalado pero tengo problemas con EFI y BOOT, al inyectar EFI desde WinIoT obtengo el error 0xc000025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Has anyone already managed to run windows 10 ARM32 PE on Surface RT? I have installed but I have problems with the EFI and BOOT, injecting EFI from WinIoT I get error 0xc000025