Minidump will be saved as dump.html by the script. The dump.json file can be used with TechBench dump website that is run using MiniServer.
Uploaded it for other users but... It isnt working. Throwing up a bunch of "Product does not exist!" and "Error in product info!" messages. Why is the original web site "completely dead"?
Thats stupid; I should be able to input (For example) edition, language, arch, and it should search for that and get that ID only, not scan every single thing.
The Adguard's Techbench Unlocked site is broken it seems so there is no easy and fast way to download ISOs anymore. And this is why torrents need to be used; Even though , the site generated links from MS, once broken or whatever, we cant get them as easy as before. Torrents are easy. Anyways, ignoring my rant, where can we get Windows 10 ISOs now? Thanks.
OH BOY! Instead of being rude how about coming up with a better solution ? Did you even read your post ?