1. The SKU list from the ESD is generated by ESD>ISO by @abbodi1406. MVS is MyVisualStudio, the new name for the old MSDN. 2. - MCT creates ISOs with install.esd (30-33% decreased filesize), originally the MCT only creates Consumer ISOs (containing less SKUs then the MVS ISOs) Code: Name: Windows.iso Size: 4269735936 bytes (4071 MiB) - SVF (as we use it) creates official MVS ISOs with install.wim Code: Name: en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1909_x64_dvd_be09950e.iso deleted the pro-work and pro-edu SKUs) Size: 5216632832 bytes (4974 MiB) - Manual ESD>ISO conversion can create ISO with either, install.esd or install.wim Code: Name: 18363.418.191007-0143.19H2_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTCONSUMER_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO with install.wim Size: 5087012864 bytes (4851 MiB) - UUP dump Code: Name: 18362.418.191005-1654.19H1_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO with install.wim / no cleanup Size: 5388079104 bytes (5138 MiB) Code: Name: 18362.418.191005-1654.19H1_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO with install.wim / cleanup used Size: 4721203200 bytes (4502 MiB) Code: Name: 18362.418.191005-1654.19H1_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO with install.wim / resetbase used Size: 4588924928 bytes (4376 MiB) To compare, you should create a single SKU ISO from all three methods (UUP dump can create it without any manual interference) or 3 times the exact same SKUs. All Consumer and Business SKU's can be activated by HWID, Key or KMS (and probably by MSDM too). 3. 1909 is a registry only build, explained in simple words in the link i posted. You have to ask @abbodi1406 for the fast method of the build determination of ESD>ISO (he posted it in the ESD Repository thread). ps, the create_virtual_editions.cmd doesn't recognise the major build nr correctly (known issue).
Really? You are saying that an install of Windows Pro from the consumer ISO can activate against a KMS server? If so this is different behavior than I remember from earlier versions of Windows where you needed to ensure you had a version that accepted a VLK. If this is true, what product Key would you install to authenticate against the KMS? Thanks
I linked to the official MSFT website, containing all available gVLKs. Afaik, with 7 pro (vista probably too) it was the same, the key is leading for what channel is selected.
Yeah, when you state it like that I get it. I must have had some type of block against phrasing yesterday, because now that I understand your meaning, the meaning of the MS quote also seems to be perfectly clear. If you just assume they mean "retail"=="stand alone" then both your quotes make sense both logically and factually. I also see this now. I did click on the Spoiler links, but I had been looking at /dlv output all day and my mind was being instantly drawn to the middle of the block of text to verify GVLK. As I assumed what I was looking at what a /dlv readout, I didn't even bother looking for the product key because slmgr doesn't post the full one. What did you use to generate that output?
Yeah, I know, I'm the guy that posted why no sticky thread. I just don't get why there isn't even en-us iso at least. Not for all languages, just en-us at least.
LTSB/C is not available directly from MSFT, like ESD/UUP or Techbench ISOs. For en-US by SVF you only need the en-US Consumer ISO and the en-US LTSC SVF patch. Or at my LTSC Repo's, the LTSC EVAL en-US ISO and the en-US LTSC SVF patch (my repos are not in the OP of this thread because they are not complete, 17763.316 is missing).
adguard's techbench is currently down for the time being, anyone able to provide me with a link to Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate (Polish, x86)?