Are you for real? From 16299.15 and up all iso's are consumer and business, check the info at the OP Or here:
Business Editions/VL is the only useful versions really and if it's not Enterprise or Enterprise LTSB/LTSC I ain't touching it.
Please tell us why the business iso's are better as the consumer iso? What is the difference, except the gVLK inside the business iso sku's?
I want total control, not something you can have in Home/Pro for example and that's why I don't bother with inferior versions. You can interpret my comment any way you like but at the end of the day Home/Pro and other consumer versions should be tossed in the bin.
You can install Pro and easily switch back and forth to all sku's (even from home, needs upgrade by generic pro hwid key to pro first). The first release iso's (17134.1) contained the same sku's, except enterprise. When you offline set edition consumer Home/Pro to enterprise, it will even get the HWID key inserted by default (instead of the gVLK)
Those are all valid points and I'll take your word for it, but for me all that exists is Enterprise and nothing else.
What other people use is not my business, if you like using Pro then by all means continue to do so. Not once have I claimed that you or anyone else here is inferior, on the contrary you are all great people here. I speak for myself when I say that I prefer Enterprise and nothing else, feel free to interpret my comment but that's how I feel.
Where can I find a link to the W10 Enterprise 1803/RS4 (x64) ESD or ISO? This is urgent, and I need it as soon as possible. I've scoured the internet and despite it being labeled as "Enterprise", I could only find an Education build.
At the OP are all download options shown, the most recommended one first: For official MVS ISO: ESD: