Yes ,I know you can,but why ? Like I said ,the search function isn't built like the way it was in windows 95-98se the whole OS is built around it and if you system can't handle it running ,then I think it's time for a hardware upgrade
Did someone noticed this...? or it is just me...? When you open the "Date and time settings" from the systray... The window (top right), with "maximize, minimize, close X" have a blue color as a background color.... You can even navigate to other sections and the background blue color will be still displayed. And when you access the same section from the start menu it shows correctly.
Up and running, VERY flawless update. (It looked much more complicated at first but with the summary a few posts above and these tools the entire procedure was straight forward. I could've probably mounted the ISO from explorer and run update right from the mounted ISO, but I put it on a stick (with Rufus), clicked on it and everything went smooth). OT: Windows search. I don't "mind" Windows search but I always had a problem with it on limited size SSD for my OS, since the search database can get HUMONGOUS. Talking 10s and 10s of gigs here only for search. I never had a need to have "context indexed", so I always change this setting "how windows searches" and set each single filetype so it only indexes file properties. Even then, search database is more than 4GB. /OT
Hush, your giving MS a st ffy. You have to know the plan, extended support for Windows 7 ends Jan 14, 2020. We're in the really get them hooked phase, kinda sounds like your already hooked. When everyone is addicted in 2020, the elephant in the room appears, MS's ultimate dream (Subscriptions) Just my 2cent EDIT: But before then grab 17134
You are correct, there are ways to do this easier (& faster) without even the need for an ISO. But I went strictly according to instructions where they made an ISO, and I put the ISO on the stick just in case I wanted/needed to boot from the stick. (Which of course I didn't have to since it was a simple upgrade from within Windows).
Never had any issue with vista, I used it since the longhorn beta, but again, i was running 4GB of ram and a 7900GTX back then. Also, I had no need for any 1997 printers and other museum hardware, so drivers were fine. On topic. Windows 10 is becoming such a bloated mess. I get it , Microsoft wants us to use the store, but why in the word i have candy crush included with my windows install by default? Also, there should be a way to disable installation of all the metro 3D apps without using advance tools to remove components. I just feel they include more and and more bloat with each release. No problem with that, but give me an option to install the core os if i with to.
Bug in task manager, when you expand the user in Users tab, list of running apps is not updated and apps don't have icons
Absolutely not : in order to get a bootable mbr usb stick, format it ntfs, set the partition active and copy the content of the iso (in an uefi/gpte environment format fat32 and you don't need to mark the partition active), that's all.
------------------------------------------- NetFX3.cmd ------------------------------------------- @echo Off set product=NetFX3 Title %product% & Color 1A cd %systemroot%\system32 call :IsAdmin FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\sources\sxs\ SET CDROM=%%i: Echo An installation of %product% was found in unit %%i: Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:%product% /All /Source:%CDROM%\sources\sxs /LimitAccess Pause & Exit :IsAdmin Reg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19\Environment" If Not %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( Cls & Echo Please, run this script As Administrator... Pause & Exit ) Cls Goto:eof ------------------------------------------- NetFX3.cmd -------------------------------------------