which is the best tool to control windows updates in 17134? i m using wumt wrapper script these days.
Since early 17XXX builds it's possible to go in both directions (Ent >> Pro now works). It's possible to use Pro ISO to upgrade higher editions like Ent, ProEdu, ProWork,...
They completed the licensing switch with the 17XXX builds. From that moment WU started to offer only the main CBS editions, aka Core and Pro. So now even if you install Pro it actually installs Enterprise with Group Policies enabled for Professional edition. Licensing switch is merely a switch of active Group Policies.
Interesting. I know this is OT as well, but I am still not sure whether going Pro -> Enterprise is worth it. I was assuming switching to Enterprise would get rid of all the crap like Store etc. But now I am not so sure anymore. As I understand it (correct me if wrong) Enterprise would then enable me to delete some crap, which in Pro I can't?
Enterprise is the same level of 'crap', no advantages with that. Only difference are some Group Policies that arent available on Pro, still on the latter you're able to uninstall what you don't like.