for me this build is better than 17133.1(73) I always use the tool "QuickSFV" to create sfv files, when this Tool is installed the Win10 Startmenu was broken, when I right clicked the startmenu to open "settings" or something nothing happend. This problem was in 1607 and 1706 builds, in 1709 eveything was ok, in 1803 17133.1/73 the startmenu was broken again with QuickSFV installed, now I upgraded to 17134.1 and startmenu works again with QuickSFV installed. edited: Enthousiast
@McLovin, it was 171311.73 For all people wanting the UUP files using UUPDL, always first update the database!!!
I don’t mind starting a website which has a fake made up timer to ISO launch and if the timer runs out, I will reset it for few more days. This way we can help gullible people satiate their appettite.
It seems in this build they fix the virtula OEM recovery partition on EFI installation but the insider diagnostic data exist and also MS Edge on first open show the message of the insider.