Dragon Naturally Speaking and Windows 10

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Cippolippo1959, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Cippolippo1959

    Cippolippo1959 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    Thank You.
    No problem for that, I will continue to work with my Windows 7 and I will always keep my Windows 8.1 as second system. In the meantime I will continue to "play" with Windows 10 and Dragon just to see if I win;-)
  2. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Please tell me: how far you were come with Dragon? Didi you the installation finish? Did you finish the training session?

    I installed Dragon 12 on W10 9926 right now and finish the Training session. Now it's adapting the User profile after the Training! Will see how far I could get with it!
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  3. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    I had run the Tutorial now and that all was working just fine in 9926!

    Before I was starting to install Dragon, I was set the Setup.exe to Windows 8 Compatibility Mode and was NOT try to start the install directly!! That seemss to work just fine. I used my Laptop Acer Aspire 4752G for that because I run Windows 10 on an 2. HDD (instead of the DVD) on that laptop. Not any adjustment were done to any Windows files and/or settings or driver and the Registry I hadn't touched in any means. Same applies for Cortana, I've let all to it's original settings!

    Hope that helps you a bit further. May you do a new clean install of Windows 10 9926 up front.

    And again, the Dragon Version I use is 12.00.100 while the setup.exe file version is
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  4. Cippolippo1959

    Cippolippo1959 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    #24 Cippolippo1959, Feb 15, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
    Hi, I tried to install Windows 10 9926 in Italian (clean system) and the installation of Dragon 11 or Dragon 12.00.100 (setup.exe version got stuck and I had never finished it. Then I've installed a W10 9879, so I installed Dragon 11 who regularly worked, perfectly finishing the installation and after which I upgraded to 9926. At this point the program no longer started. I can try to redo an installation of 9926, but then I think the problem is that Dragon will not terminate the installation. I use a desktop with separate hard disk for each system.
  5. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    More than a year ago I had the same problem, of not finishing the install on Windows 8.1. After to be patient for a bout an hour or so, I finally killed the 2 Dragon related processes using the Taskmanager and was able to start Dragon normally. That maybe could be happen on Windows 10 as well and if it is for you, just let the processes running for an hour or more and than do the same as I did: kill the processes in Taskmanager. For to do that, open the Taskmanager at the point of it looks like the install stacks and have an eye on the related processes. As long as they run above 10% each, let them run and kill them only after they're below 10% for some minutes. So it worked for me!

    Maybe I get Dragon 13 today or tomorrow and will test that one too. I'll still have to use my Laptop for that because my desktop's I need for productive works with sensitive data!
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  6. Cippolippo1959

    Cippolippo1959 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    I did the same thing with the task manager when I first installed Dragon 11 and Dragon 12, killing the task but I did it after 10 minutes, and after the program would not start anyway. Today or tomorrow I'll format the hard drive, install Windows 10 9926 in Italian and try again to install Dragon 12 leaving it working for more than an hour.
    I do not think personally that there is still a difference between 12 and 13 since the producer told me that none of them is compatible (according to them) with Windows 10.
  7. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Seems to be important that you keep an eye on Task Manager and wait till the processes use of use of CPU is quite down for some time.

    I'll install Dragon 11 on an other HDD on Laptop and see what will happen with that. Same I'll do again an an WinToGo Hdd with 9926. Could tell you tomorrow what happen!
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  8. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Just to add: I installed right now Dragon 12 on WinToGo drive with 9901 and the install was just done finish. On the install on 9926 I hadn't installed the SP1 or any updates and had although set the setup.exe to Compatibility Mode Windows 8. This time on 9901, I didn't set the compatibility Mode and installed the SP1 right now which upgrades the 12.00.100 to 12.5!

    I would like to see how far I'll come now!

    It's funny, even the Nuance staff told that it's incompatible with Windows 10 It works on build 9926 (with no Updates etc. and in Compatibility Mode Windows 8)!

    Right now I created the Profile and will now start to do the next required Task's of reading etc. etc.!
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  9. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009

    All went well till to start the reading test's! To adjust the Micrphones Volume seems to work and that's all! The next test already fails. It doesn't matter I change the Microphone, the same problem still come up!

    This is done with the Dragon 12 install and updates to final 12.5, no run in Compatibility Mode Windows 8!

    Will uninstall dragon and do the same again in Compatibility Mode Windows 8!
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  10. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    guys that app does not run on 10.....u have to wait until the vendor releases patch for it.
  11. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Please stop assuming something which was already shown to work! Look at Post #22 onward!!
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  12. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    It works on 9926 (for me) but 9901 WinToGo! Neither in standard mode nor in Compatibility Mode Windows 8.

    Just waiting now for to get Version 13 for testing.

    The problem I got right now is about the Microphone. Tomorrow I'll get an new Headset and re-test again. The installation just went well with no problems on 3 different builds. The only one which is working is now 9926 while both 9901 and 9879 didn't.

    That I do those testings, is because I working in some free time with disabled peoples in an Orphanage from which many could not use an Keyboard and/or Mouse and there fore I've an understanding of their needs. In that regards useless comments are not really welcomed!
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  13. Cippolippo1959

    Cippolippo1959 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    Nothing to do. I installed Windows 10 9926, as first thing, I tried to install Dragon 11. After 70 minutes the task manager always had the task to 23-25%. I closed it and tried to run the program without success. I might try tomorrow to uninstall version 11 and install 12, but I do not think that it'll work.
    I think I'll drop it and wait for the final release of Windows 10 and possibly an upgrade of Dragon compatible.

    installation dragon.jpg
  14. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    #34 Hadron-Curious, Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I am able to run Dragon naturally speaking 12 premium in Windows 10 Build 9926. Image below.

    To do that after follow this instruction.
    1) Run the Drangon naturally speaking installer. It will try to install and stuck installing for long time.
    2)Use Tack Manager to end the process after about five minutes of trying to install the program.
    3) Double-click Local Drive C and click Program Files (x86).
    4) Look for Nuance folder. Next click on Dragon naturally speaking 12 folder and click on the Program folder.
    5) Double-click on natspeak file to open it and configure your Profile.
  15. Cippolippo1959

    Cippolippo1959 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    #35 Cippolippo1959, Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    It does not work for me. It is exactly as if I click the link on desktop, it try to work for a few seconds and then nothing happens.
  16. Cippolippo1959

    Cippolippo1959 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    I have a doubt: are you using Windows 10 x64?
  17. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Maybe you should tell us what you're using?!

    I use 64bit only! Just at the moment I was starting to install 12.00.100 on build 9926 64bit again after an clean Windows install, no apps! Before I was updating to 12.5 and that wasn't working, the part of creating an profile was not coming up! This time no Updates and will see how it goes now.
    I also have an new Headset, see my older post's from yesterday!

    On 9901 WindowsToGo drive 12.00.100 wasn't working for me.

    Let see now, in 30min I know more!
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  18. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    At this moment I opened the Task Manager because the HDD light is of and the indicator shows for Dragon an CPU use of 8.1% while Windows installer is on 0%!The Dragon NaturallySpeaking Service is also on 0%! So, I'll end that 3 Task's right now and try to start Dragon manually!

    Done that and started Dragon for to create the profile now.

    As it came to this point, Dragon will working just fine if the Microphone will work!!

    That I could tell later.

    One thing: Dragon should NOT be started in elevated mode with Administrator privileges, that will not work!
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  19. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Reading the training text was done now without any problem. So yesterday it seems to be an problem of the old Headset!! Dragon is now adapting the profile and all will be ok after that.

    This shows that Windows 10 builds 9926 will just works fine with Dragon 12.00.100 but updated to 12.5 (as it seems to get problems)! The 'minor' problem of not finishing the install on the normal way, and the not working after update to 12.5, could be the Main Problem which may need to be avoided to do. To end the processes in Task Manager to early, could also be resulting in an non working Dragon. Be sure that the CPU use is below 10% and the others by 0%, and also that the HDD isn't accessed!

    This is now the 2. HDD with Windows 10 Build 9926 on which Dragon 12.00.100 is running well.

    Not: I always use plain English US as language and could not tell it will work in, let say Italian as well!
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  20. Cippolippo1959

    Cippolippo1959 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    I also use only 64 bits. I've just downloaded English US version of Windows 10 9926 and in the next few days I'll try it with a new installation and Dragon 12 without upgrading to 12.5.
    For now, thanks to all the try that you're doing.