Dragon Naturally Speaking and Windows 10

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Cippolippo1959, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    When it requests for update do not update but close the update dialog. Have a nice time.
  2. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    u know what im going to install dragon in my box and see if it runs or not.
  3. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    dragon does not run in win 10 x64.....i install in admin mode as u can see it reach the end it created the icon on the desktop but it does not finalize the installation. looks like their something in the OS the app does not like. doesnt matter what version u have it should install if is compatible.

  4. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    Seriously, it does. You need to be patient with the installer before using the Task manager to end it. You can follow the instruction I posted earlier.
  5. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    dont know what to tell u.. but after a hour....i dont think is going to install......that app takes 5 minutes tops to install.
  6. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    That is what we are saying, do not hesitate to close it yourself by using Task manager to do that(kill it) and run natspeak file from the Program fold of Nuance directory in you Local Drive C. You aren't following instruction accordingly.

    NB: Do not run anything on elevated privilege or as an administrator.
  7. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
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  8. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Just to inform: I also created an WindowsToGo drive using WinToUSB Apps from the latest installed 9926 with Dragon 12.00.100 and everything just works fine on 3 different computers. Maybe there is an problem to install and an existing WindowsToGo drive, but to create the new one with WinToUSB. In that regard, WinToUSB does an excellent job and work very well.
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  9. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    i just wanted to tested to see if it runs or not.....i dont use this software.....maybe it installs in some boxes....and not in others....i still believe theirs issues their.
  10. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    The problem simply is, that you either didn't read the post's or just half and admits that it's not run on 64bit etc. while it was posted already that it is running on 64bit. That's just one of many examples with your writing/answering!

    That many apps may work on one config but on others, is simply an fact, not for Alpha Releases only even for RTM's etc! If you simply would telling that it didn't run on YOUR machine, it would be clear, either your machine is incompatible or you didn't get those apps to work! Keep it that way and all would be fine.
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  11. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014

    dude all can report is what i see.....maybe it has to do with me testing win 10 in a older AMD PC....after all this is still basically a beta thats full of bugs.....and yes i read the post......u think this is my first time around block. just because u install it in yours does not mean it will install on every other machine.
  12. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Looks like you have problems to understand what's written?! In Post#43 you stated that Dragon didn't run on 64bit and I'd reported earlier that it does!

    As it runs on different machines but every, means that the apps is 'quite' OK, problem simply seems to be either hardware and/or config related. If you use an older AMD Machine, special if it comes to an Dual Core CPU or earlier, that you may face more problems as other with a bit newer machines.

    As I wrote, if you would state that it didn't run on YOUR computer and YOUR computers config, or that YOU didn't know how to work with it, it's simply wrong to point to the developer of the OS, in this case Microsoft! It's a question of ability to get some apps to work or not.

    And again, don't blame MS if something work for some users and not for others, even if the OS used is just still in Alpha stage! Also don't admit in general that something isn't working if it does for others!

    Nothing against that you didn't get it to work, as I although have some problems with some config, but to tell it didn't work in general, I wouldn't do, special if others reported that the apps is working (for them), I would simply to look at my config, my computer and myself and ask: WHY?!
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  13. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Just to repeat:
    1. Dragon is working with Version 12.00.100
    2. Problems happen if updated to 12.5
    3. Problems happen with to finish the Installation Process (which seems to be an Windows problem)
    4. Dragon work on either 32bit and 64bit in later installed as 32bit

    The procedure I followed several times to get Dragon to work properly is:
    1. Run the install normal, no need to run as administrator;
    2. on the end of install, as the indicator stops on the end, open Windows Task Manager and wait till the use of CPU is below 10% (for me it were 8-8.2%). There 3 processes running, 2 time Dragon and the 3. is the Windows 32bit installer (even in 64bit OS). Time needed for that is about up to 1hour
    3. If the personal Profile could be created, which could need a bit of time, Dragon is nearly ready to work.
    4. Important: the Microphone must be work correctly, if not, Dragon will not work.
    5. Don't bypass the Reading Test's, only if you follow them, Dragon will work correctly.
    6. Once the Upper command/tool bar appears you'll be able to use Dragon.
    7. The updating and adapting of the profile on the end could take some time, let that finish and after that, Dragon is ready for normal work

    I installed Dragon several times directly on Laptop and once used WinToUSB to create an WindowsToGo drive and all running well with an fully working Dragon 12.00.100!
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  14. Cippolippo1959

    Cippolippo1959 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    #54 Cippolippo1959, Feb 19, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
    Nothing to do for me. As a last attempt I tried to install Windows 10 US and Dragon 12, but after more than an hour, the installation never ended and the task in the task manager is never went below 23% (see picture). I think my computer or my Dragon (English and Italian) has some compatibility problem and then I give up until the final version hoping for some patches.
    Thanks anyway all of you for advices and the tests done.

  15. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    #55 pisthai, Feb 19, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
    Could you please give your hardware (Computer) details? I used an 3 year old Acer Aspire 4752G Laptop with Intel i5-2450M CPU and 8 GB RAM and Dragon worked on 3 installs on 3 different HDD's, one of them an USB 3.0 external HDD!

    If your computer has, let say a 2 Core CPU, than the CPU usage will be much higher than an Quad Core like mine! Just try again and kill the 3 processes in Task Manager (2 x Dragon and 1 x Windows Installer 32bit) and try to start up Dragon (NOT as Administrator, dragon don't allow that) to get that Profile Maker up and running.

    Do NOT let do any Updates for Dragon!!
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  16. Cippolippo1959

    Cippolippo1959 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    #56 Cippolippo1959, Feb 19, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
    My computer:

    > Scheda Madre : Asus M4A88TD-M EVO

    > Chipset : AMD 880G

    > Processore : AMD Phenom II X4 945e @ 3000 MHz

    > Memoria Fisica : 4096 MB DDR3-SDRAM

    > Scheda Video : ATI Radeon HD 4250

    > Hard Disk : Maxtor 6L300S0 ATA Device (300GB)

    > Hard Disk : MAXTOR STM3250820AS ATA Device (250GB)

    > Hard Disk : Western Digital WD20EARS-00MVWB0 ATA Device (2000GB)

    > Hard Disk : Western Digital WD3001FAEX-00MJRA0 ATA Device (3001GB)

    > Hard Disk : Eminent Turbo Hard Disk (2000GB)

    > Hard Disk : SAMSUNG HD103SJ (1000GB)

    > Hard Disk : SAMSUNG HD204UI (2000GB)

    > DVD-Rom Drive : PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-218L

    > Scheda di rete : Realtek Semiconductor RTL8168/8111 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter

    > Sistema Operativo : Windows 7 Ultimate Professional Media Center 6.01.7601 Service Pack 1 (64-bit)

    > DirectX : Versione 11.00

    > Windows Performance Index : 4.7 su 7.9

    > Operating Systems:

    I found this on the forum of Dragon (talking about of Windows 8.1):

    I have finally got past the "interruption" to the installation:
    I created a new user on the workstation and then installed the DNS13 .exe as administrator while logged in as that user.
    Of course - I do now have an additional user, which is not the best thing for security, and am not sure if deleting that user profile will make the installed copy of DNS13 un-useable.


  17. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    Then end the Dragon naturally speaking with Task Manager and run natspeak from the Program fold in the Nuance directory. You aren't doing that yet and that is where the problem lies in your attempt to get it running. It will work.
  18. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014

    u have to wait untill the vendor release a update patch to fix that issue..... seems that it install in some machine and not in others....i had the same issue as u....will not finalize the install.
  19. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    If I were you, I would try the following:
    1. Prepare one HDD for to run Windows 10 as single HDD, means that I would use to Low Level Format that HDD to get it 100% clean;
    2. have the Windows ISO/DVD ready for boot and install Windows 10TP
    3. disconnect ALL other HDD's, except the one you'll use to install Windows 10 TP
    4. boot from W10TP Media
    5. install W10Tp
    6. do the updates for W10tp
    7. do NOT install extra drivers
    8. do NOT re-connect the other HDD's
    9. install Dragon 12.00.100
    10. follow my advice in Post #43
    11. do NOT let do updates/upgrades for Dragon

    If all done and you could start to create your profile, all would be OK. After Dragon is fully installed and the test are done, incl. the final adaption of your profile, you shut down your computer, re-connect all HDD's and chose the BIOS Boot Manager for to chose what HDD you like to boot from.

    Do NOT install Dragon on an HDD which is used by Windows Dual Boot Manager use the BIOS Boot Manager only! It's depend on your Bios which Hot-Key is used for to chosse the Boot HDD while starting/booting the computer mainly it would be F11 or it could be F2, F8, F10 or F12, the Manual of you MB would tell you what F Key you'll need to use.

    If you didn't see the other HDD's after they're re-connected, right click on the Windows/Start Menu Logo and chose Device Manager and check the HDD's are there already. Than open Disk Management the same way. Here you may need to enable the other HDD's and/or give them their normal Drive letters which you normally assign for them in Windows 10TP it doesn't matter what drive letters they have if you boot from an different OS like W7!
    Note: you could also use the drive letters "A" and "B" if you didn't use any Floppy. I use "A" and "B" for my Data HDD's with no OS'es on it! Still you will need to have Floppy drive set to disabled in BIOS if you use that way!

    Hope that will brings you further. I didn't use the Windows Boot Manager at all, just the BIOS Boot Manager and had n ever problems with that. It's simply possible that those Windows Dual Boot could be the culprit! From your Hardware infos, there shouldn't be any problem with installation.
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  20. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014

    ha ha ha.....dude why do all of that to install a app on a beta OS that will change soon in the next build....and not guaranty it will run in his box.