A friend of mine says that when he tells folks he has 2 PCs with Linux - they get funny looks & back up like he just told them he has a contageous illness - as they stand there with their Android phone in hand !! It is astounding to me to see just how absolutely ignorant of their own world that people can be.
You won't get any insults from me. I have a Wondboard and it supposedly runs Ubuntu. (see: Here https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/fun-with-the-wandboard-wb-imx6qp-bw.80492/ ) I've been so busy that I haven't had time for much of anything.
And if we interpolate from the opening salvo - M$ trying to bury Linux, we should hail Google instead? Which is the lesser of the 2 evils? I have less desire for the Google folks in their move to insert themselves more completely into the Linux Kernel, than I do in M$'s move to 'Embrace' by giving us access to their 'Superb Technologies'.
i don't usually give likes but maybe this time around. shortly put: this thread focuses on microsoft vs linux yet again, as microsoft being bad guy. i still don't trust microsoft even though they have opened up to open source little bit. but i would be more worried about google and their domination. people seems to think hiddenly that google is good player.
Wow - colour me amazed here !! Our fellow member ipx posted something (more or less...) agreeable in reply to a thread that I started. (Hopefully making such agreeableness here caused him/her no hurt or harm !!)
It's certainly a modern take on EEE, I think their goal is to simply eliminate linux as a potential threat to their desktop dominance, they know people are not happy with windows 10 and will be even more unhappy with it in the near future.
TBH, Android might have started out as Linux, but is now largely a vehicle for advertising. App makers have gleefully jumped onto the bandwagon, as have several manufacturers who have customised the OS for their products to include ads even in system apps.
Yes. It might even be said that 'the lockdown' stuff began with Android phones that have become less & less useful due to this krapification, sadly.