The SHA1 is there you have to shrink your page down. If the zoom in settings is too high the SHA1 does not show up. At 150% the SHA1 is missing, go down to 125% and it shows up.
We need of the API for try to make a auto generation of links P.S = 0.50 is out of test, so it's possible to download
Well, the API is simpler than I thought. It returns a JSON object as a result through which we can easily construct the link.
LOL, this make me laughing, they have created a page, closed and without further explanation on how links has been generated (learn something can be useful in future), only after our work and not before, and also without possibility of generate Fast Ring links (the more important thing) But for they is enough say: do not trust in this tools
I was expecting this to get the esd link from my windows update. This requires so much info just to get a esd link. Which never worked at the end. I gave up on it
I did have hope to help the users with the problem dead link. Sorry, was only this. "Last edited: Jun 17, 2015", no Support.